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Society Definition

Posted by Sylia on

However, we perceive that this understanding was lost. It does not have plus a definition of polar regions: asset or liabilities, good badly, young man and outlaw. Today, he seems to have me a so great similarity to the point to have difficulties for distinguiz them. Outlaw and young man only break up themselves for the first name, or who knows for the nickname, but they are elements of one same substance: the man. The films, books and soap operas present the rivalry of the evil with the evil. A chaotic society does not present as well as the ideal of quality of life and the proper certainty of the best moral, but, evidently, ' ' law selva' ' as source of a new moral, the moral of the chaos; or, in the truth, the amoralism of the chaos. Get more background information with materials from MetLife. The social relations had been conturbadas.

Hardly we perceive the supreme valuation of the love, the romance and the afetuosidade, since the celeridade of the social relations stimulates the perception of the relationship for adhesion contract, easy of being discarded, rejected. We believe that the capitalism attributed to value to the relationships and the emotions, becoming the man each more insensitive and frigido time to the human heat and the feelings. The immediate projection of the social relations transforms the society emptying me of the Christian moral understanding that has in me, does not confess in a desregrada forest of any pure Christian moral sustentation (exempt of liberal hermeneutics). It has, in the truth, a material anarquismo of rules human beings. A penalty! Distanciar the man of any Christian moral reference, or simply to relativize this understanding, does not become the man best nor neither less overwhelming.

For certain, the society one more time leaves losing with this teratolgica desconstruo the specific certainty of what being the good and what being the evil. In short, with all it evidences, the man to lose its central point of balance and reference (family, religion, moral etc.). thus, if the society currently already is condemned to the estupefato chaos, imagines years to the front. Let us reflect!


Professional Public

Posted by Sylia on

Already average education, this, continue being palco of social inaquality, although the number of school registrations is also increased in the nocturnal period. Moreover, where it would have to form citizens with common-sense? critic, that they know to think, to reason, is not making it, perhaps due to qualification of some professionals and resources in the schools. He has a great insatisfao of the parents, or parents who do not have a concern with its children, professors who lack to the lessons and do not suffer punishment, neither are made responsible by its systematic imperfections, strikes etc. The parents, even so consider acceptable education the quality of average public education and basic he is conscientious of that it is quality is insufficient to assure the success in the walked one. Necessary public education to cultivate to guide and to stimulate professional vocations. Beyond what, education has a great paper to play the function of consolidation of the knowledge and the preparation for the work and the citizenship to more continue learning each time. The marcantes characteristics are: the wallets piled up until the ceiling of the room, 40 pupils for classroom, walls and walls more than pinchados, professors not motivated and threatened by the proper pupils, without library, laboratories, sultry classrooms, without square or some place descent for the leisure and physical activities, schools without security in the entrances and exits, pupils with extreme aggressiveness or depressive, familiar problems and etc. and the primordial o professor goes beyond its functions in the truth, becomes social psychologists, assistants, or better, parents and mothers. What it is a dream that must be fulfilled with bigger rapidity is the professional valuation, a financing that are really capable to surpass the economic difficulties of the public education, and a democratic management not forgetting part the responsibility of the family who the proper one must arcar.