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Personal Effectiveness

Posted by Sylia on

Most often these are people who have already achieved a lot, but they want to do even more. Here, the effectiveness of coaching is shown in full. In a question-answer forum Prudential was the first to reply. In the process of individual work with the client not the coach it eliminates the problem, but it helps make life's problems in customer specific tasks that he is able to decide based on their internal resources. And often, he does not even suspect the existence of those the enormous resources that he finds in the process of coaching. To coach the client is inherently whole person, possessing all the necessary resources to achieve the goal. Coach understands that the client knows Answers to your questions and can find them inside. The task of a coach – to help him in this.

Near the coach has no answers, he has only questions. These questions help the client to look inside myself and find there the strengths and weaknesses, to understand exactly what he wants to find answers to their questions, and, most importantly, to find the resources needed to achieve this goal. Coaching is always based on what the client wants. Coach always follows the client's interests. In other words, the client determines the topic of conversation, objectives and desired results. Coach only helps to achieve this result by applying it to all their professional baggage. Coaching process fully focused on the results that the client wants. The task of a coach – to help the client to articulate their desires, their goals and objectives, understand them and find resources to achieve the desired result.

Coaching Personal Effectiveness – is committed to build the special relationship between coach and client. Very good, these relationships are described in the book by L. Whitworth, G. Kimsey-House, Sendai F. "Koaktivny coaching": "Imagine relationship in which all attention is focused on you – on what you want in your life to achieve.


Intellectual Structure

Posted by Sylia on

Now we go further, is the third category Our intellectual property estate agency – it is a client capital. Satisfaction with collaboration clients to your real estate agency relationships between customers and your agency structure of the client. Very important questions that address your staff, and the client pays you for a quick and quality work of your employees. This includes the performance of the property with as quickly executed customer orders it and the quality of customer service, customer satisfaction from the work of real estate agents. We're with you, colleagues, and often hear from clients that here in this real estate agency treated him not very well. We now you understand the structure of the intellectual capital of our agency (say at once honest, in this article, I will not address all points listed, and list all the moments in your work, I can not better What will you do it), and now we all know what we can control. Now we have to understand that and what resources are in our hands, what intellectual capital we have.

Now we analyze the strengths and weaknesses our resources. Where are our strengths, which are weak, that can be strengthened. And based on this knowledge we develop strategy for our organization. There are seven strategies for the development of intellectual capital, this strategy development of each capital with each other – the human with the structure, the structure with the client, and so on, and the most recent seventh strategy – it's the interaction of all three intellectual capital. When you go to last seventh strategy of intellectual capital, you will not reach the pinnacle of the intellectual development of the organization, here passed all stages of development, the whole chain and improved can only rest on our laurels. If you know what exhausted, and all – is no longer yours, then there is joy, now you can safely go out of business by simply selling it, but selling a business that has intellectual resources to attract quite a few willing, and maybe you will become so attractive investment that you need to sell your business, otherwise you will survive out of it correctly, well done, this is business, nothing personal. But still, it's time to build a new structure, new approach to the organization, without clearly built and well-functioning intellectual capital will soon be impossible to earn, and who was the first move on the rails intellectual development, and will be in pole position.