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Document Management Prevents Loss

Posted by Sylia on

What you concerned about companies? What you concerned about entities? What he is concerned administrations? What happens today in many of them, with regard to information and documentation? Concerned about them and is concerned about the difficulty of access to the relevant documentation, the essential, for example, necessary to respond to any request. Also concerned about the loss of time or hours which staff dedicated to finding information or rewrite documents that already exist, for that they are not. It agitated when an employee leaves the company or entity, be practically impossible to find documents on your computer, or that if it is not for any reason, be complicated finding, for example, a received email. All this is due to a non-existent or poor document management. The need to manage the documentation is clear and fundamentally responds:-the exponential growth of information (60% annually as a minimum). -the multiplicity of the use of different devices of reception and generation of documents.

It is common to hear or read the information that is created is far superior to the available storage capacity. This reality is his commentary on the use in companies that are increasingly more lost in the immensity of the particulars and documents that accumulate in their local networks and personal computers. It is not only important to come up with the documents that create and receive, especially, need to make sense of the large amount of data and information found on them. To access documents at the time they are needed and conserve those that must be accessed in the future, are key elements in the use and management of information. The efficiency of the entities and their ability to integrate information and documentation in their processes of activity, passes through that your documents are: accessible, usable, integrated and updated. In these moments of crisis and difficulties, it demanded more entities and their users, is the improvement of efficiency and without a suitable management documentary is impossible. And there is no possibility of arbitrarily applying management information and documentation. Need to run and develop systems of document management appropriate and in line with the needs of each entity.