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State Health

Posted by Sylia on

Later the DIESAT will have important paper when subsidizing the unions in quarrel on the overcoming of the structure directed toward the assistencialismo, stubborn inheritance of the New State, transforming into middle of years 80 in the syndical assessorships in health and the work, important instrument of fight for the health in the work and its relation with the State. Then, to observe itself that the quarrels on the Health of the Worker were not a democratic process, but one fights between the diligent classrooms, represented for its unions, that took the State to be part of this, creating the laws would regulate that it. However, if it cannot affirm that this was a conquest only of the workers and its unions, but, also, of the international agencies, as the International Organization of Sade (OMS) and the International Organization of Trabalho (OIT), when during 71 International Conference of the Work, in 05 of June of 1985, 161 Convention n and Recommendation n 171, whose denomination ‘ ‘ Convention and Recommendation on the Services of Health in the Trabalho’ ‘ , it has as main characteristics the ample participation of the workers in multiprofessional teams and the practical one of the public politics for guarantee of this participation (LACAZ, 1997). However, according to Lacaz (1997, p.4).

Not if it can, however, to deny the conquests in the field of the health of the social movement from the Constitution of 1988, since they had had influences and unfoldings in the state constitutions, of the Organic Law of the Health of September of 1990, of the Municipal Organic Laws and the Codes of Health, opening space for the movement for the decentralization of the health in the perspective of the goal of municipalizao of the health. The advances in legislation terms are very forceful, however, exactly did not guarantee that the Health of the Worker is considered as goal to be reached by the Ministry of the Work, the health being considered ‘ ‘ a sine qua non condition for the performance and to excellent produtividade’ ‘ (FERRAZ, ET AL, 2009, p.16), a time that the regularization of laws that I eat the Strategy Health of Famlia (ESF), while proposal governmental of action for the health has as focus the care of inserted families in a social context, being unaware of the necessity of the maintenance of the quality of life of the worker, because those who work with the Program of Health of Famlia (PSF), if keeps in constants daily challenges, that they finish for affecting this quality of necessary life the good exercise of the profession.


The Suffering

Posted by Sylia on

Appealing to history, we find in the studies of Aries (1981) a relation of familiarity of the man with the death, in the first millenium of history occidental person. From then on, until century XV, the concern with the particularitity of the individual evidences the feeling of failure, that if confuses with mortality. Already in centuries XV and XX, the erotismo and the trespass dramatizam the death, becoming it entrancing in the inadmissible separation of the other. To deepen your understanding Morgan Stanley is the source. In century XX, the death is erased of the social scene, is occulted in the asepsis of the hospitalais, in a strategy of negation used for the social one, prevailed for the voracious requirement of the consumption. The social occultation of the finitude condition human being makes impracticable the relation of the man with the death. The 6 AGED ones ARE NOSSOS MASTERS the process to age are the gradual plenificao of the cycle of the life.

It does not need to be hidden or to be denied, but he must be understood, be affirmed and tried as a growth process for which the mystery of the life slowly discloses in them. Without the presence of the aged ones we could forget that we are aging. They are our prophets, them remember in them that what we see so clearly in them is a process of which all, without exception, participate. Much already was written on the aged one, on its physical, mental, affective problems, spirituals. For many people, to age is closely on to the fear and the suffering. Millions are left alone, and the end of its cycle of the life becomes a source of bitterness and desperation. Perhaps let us try arduously to silence the voice that they remember in them our proper destination and that our implacable critics become, for its simple presence. Therefore, our first and more important mission is to again help the aged one to be our master, and to restore the communication interrupted between the generations.


March Carried

Posted by Sylia on

With regard to 50,000 atendimentos the almost carried through in the practical ones considered as central offices in the attendance of the UCIS between 2005 and 2007, it was observed that the used services more had been of nutrition, followed of the acumpuntura and Lian Going. Yoga was the used service less in every year studied, probably for the difficulty of adhesion of the users of this unit (Table 1). Inside of the studied period, variations in relation to the number of atendimentos of each had existed technique, however for difficulties of the service, however for adhesion of the users the determined strategy, as yoga. Profile of the users In accordance with the research carried through in the archives of the UCIS, we verify that in the period of 2005 the 2007 had been carried through 3,160 thus distributed selections: 1339 patients in 2005 (42%), 895 in 2006 (28%) and 926 in 2007 (30%). He had a reduction of the selections of new patients between the studied years, probably due to action of three factors: change in the form of guiding for the unit, therefore in March of 2006, the atendimentos had left of being carried through by spontaneous demand, and had passed to be referenciados by the public net of health, what it represents a strategy of regulation of the access; insufficience of the installed capacity of the unit, since it had a great increase in the demand, which had, probably, to a bigger spreading and acceptability of the practical ones for the users; finally, the necessity to gradual include in the programming of the unit the patient egresses. In 2007, a light recovery in the number of carried through selections is evidenced, what probably it was given for a magnifying of the covering of the basic attention in the adscrito territory of the UCIS, to a bigger spreading of the actions offered for the unit, as well as a bigger qualification of the demand, being respected the flows of regulation of the access to the UCIS.



Posted by Sylia on

It still has universal values as justice and freedom promoted by all the humanity. In the programs of sexual orientation the development of two abilities is basic: trainings of social ability and increase of verbal repertoire, therefore how much bigger the assertive behaviors emitted by the adolescents, greater is the probability to have quarrels between the Partners These abilities can be trained by diverse professionals as: psicopedagogo, psychologist, pedagogical coordinator. Not leaving the responsibility only for the professor who leciona disciplines it of sciences and biology, without ability of this professional is verified to execute a program of sexual orientation. (BOURUCHOVITCH, 2000, p 113). Based in these questionings, the deficit in the preparation of the professionals and the strategies used for the boarding of the subject is noticed. The lack is express in the difficulties of the professor in dealing with the questions brought for the pupils and as consequence of this lack occurs the reproduction of the proper values. (SAYO, 1997 p.113).

When Bouruchovitch2002, p.113, speak of the abilities to develop a program of sexual orientation, Sayo, 1997, p.132. It confirms the deficit in the preparation of professionals. For in such a way, the psicopedagogia, through the clinical method, possesss resources to give has supported to the school in all the education processes learning, also, in the development of projects and implantation of programs of sexual education, and, qualification. Since in the truth, the psicopedagogia is an performance field that when acting of preventive and therapeutical form is located to understand the processes of the development and the learnings human beings, appealing you vary it areas and pedagogical strategies objectifying if to occupy of the problems that can appear in the transmission processes and appropriation of the knowledge (possible difficulties and upheavals), the essential paper of psicopedagogo is of being mediating in all this movement. If it will be beyond the simple junction of the knowledge of psychology and pedagogia, psicopedagogo can in such a way act in different fields of activity, placing itself in the Health as in the Education, since its to make aims at to understand the varied dimensions of the learning human being, that, in the end, the social spaces and times occur all.


Brazilian One

Posted by Sylia on

The domestic violence against the aged ones is a complex subject of difficult constatao, of few cases notified and of little orientation for the teams of health and population, what it contributes for the perpetuation of the problem. Ahead of this panorama, it fits to geriatras, gerontlogos and other professionals of health to elaborate strategies and instruments in the identification of bad-treatments aiming at to fight them in the familiar scope. To the governmental bodies, they fit to facilitate the spreading of the data for the population, by means of propagandas, social programs and nets of support for vitimados protection and aid to the aged ones. It was also evidenced in this study that is recent and scarce the research on the thematic one in Brazil, what it translates one limited number of professionals engaged in this scientific seek area, as masters and doctors. only by means of the biggest agreement, deepening and development of research, will be created conditions for the prevention of the domestic violence. Bibliographical references: BRAZIL. Health department.

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Tension Breath

Posted by Sylia on

Much of the value of the massage depends on sensitivity, the dexterity and the hands of the person who makes the manipulation. In the measure that the massage is a function of the touch, the person must be always in contact with the FEELINGS of the massageada person. BREATH the importance of a correct breath for the physical and mental health is subestimada by the majority of the doctors and therapists. Knowing that the breath is essential to the life, and that the oxygen supplies energy. We understand that an inadequate breath reduces the vitality of the organism. The common complaint of fatigue and exhaustion is generally not attributed the breath to me. However DEPRESSION and the FATIGUE is resulted right-handers of me the breath. Further details can be found at Danske Bank, an internet resource.

It does not have good metabolic combustion in the absence of enough oxygen. In chronic cases me the breath the arteries are contracted and have a fall of the number of hemcias. The majority of the people breathes badly. Its breath is superficial and has one strong trend of arrests it in situations of estresse, exactly in estresse simple, as in the act to direct an car, situations to type a letter or to wait to be received in a consultation or interview. The result is an increase of the Tension. When the people become conscientious of its Breath, they perceive how many times arrest (they stop to breathe) and they inhibit as it. The inadequate breath provokes anxiety, irritability and tension (cases of claustrofobia, and diverse psychological riots) serious Difficulties can lead to the panic. The human being such limit the Breath therefore to breathe produce feared sensations as Fear, Sadness, Anger Since first infancy we learn to control the emotions stopping the Breath, I cry in such a way it was contained happened of the anger, fear, since you drink we test behaviors acceptable In such a way all the muscular groups were involved in this Task of ' ' conter' ' , thus the Muscular harnesses of character are fixed that deform the body creating Chronic Contractions that had later diminished the Capacity to express feelings, to enter in contact with self (itself exactly) and to go deep themselves as person.