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Posted by Sylia on

It still has universal values as justice and freedom promoted by all the humanity. In the programs of sexual orientation the development of two abilities is basic: trainings of social ability and increase of verbal repertoire, therefore how much bigger the assertive behaviors emitted by the adolescents, greater is the probability to have quarrels between the Partners These abilities can be trained by diverse professionals as: psicopedagogo, psychologist, pedagogical coordinator. Not leaving the responsibility only for the professor who leciona disciplines it of sciences and biology, without ability of this professional is verified to execute a program of sexual orientation. (BOURUCHOVITCH, 2000, p 113). Based in these questionings, the deficit in the preparation of the professionals and the strategies used for the boarding of the subject is noticed. The lack is express in the difficulties of the professor in dealing with the questions brought for the pupils and as consequence of this lack occurs the reproduction of the proper values. (SAYO, 1997 p.113).

When Bouruchovitch2002, p.113, speak of the abilities to develop a program of sexual orientation, Sayo, 1997, p.132. It confirms the deficit in the preparation of professionals. For in such a way, the psicopedagogia, through the clinical method, possesss resources to give has supported to the school in all the education processes learning, also, in the development of projects and implantation of programs of sexual education, and, qualification. Since in the truth, the psicopedagogia is an performance field that when acting of preventive and therapeutical form is located to understand the processes of the development and the learnings human beings, appealing you vary it areas and pedagogical strategies objectifying if to occupy of the problems that can appear in the transmission processes and appropriation of the knowledge (possible difficulties and upheavals), the essential paper of psicopedagogo is of being mediating in all this movement. If it will be beyond the simple junction of the knowledge of psychology and pedagogia, psicopedagogo can in such a way act in different fields of activity, placing itself in the Health as in the Education, since its to make aims at to understand the varied dimensions of the learning human being, that, in the end, the social spaces and times occur all.


Brazilian One

Posted by Sylia on

The domestic violence against the aged ones is a complex subject of difficult constatao, of few cases notified and of little orientation for the teams of health and population, what it contributes for the perpetuation of the problem. Ahead of this panorama, it fits to geriatras, gerontlogos and other professionals of health to elaborate strategies and instruments in the identification of bad-treatments aiming at to fight them in the familiar scope. To the governmental bodies, they fit to facilitate the spreading of the data for the population, by means of propagandas, social programs and nets of support for vitimados protection and aid to the aged ones. It was also evidenced in this study that is recent and scarce the research on the thematic one in Brazil, what it translates one limited number of professionals engaged in this scientific seek area, as masters and doctors. only by means of the biggest agreement, deepening and development of research, will be created conditions for the prevention of the domestic violence. Bibliographical references: BRAZIL. Health department.

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