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Ecological Reserve

Posted by Sylia on

Already Adams understands that this group as predominantly agriculturist and fisherman, adding that ' ' he has differences with regard to the dependence that each community possesss of the agricultural activities with regard to other sources of income, as pesca' '. (Adams, 00). The REJ, locus of the culture caiara, became area protected in the decade of 1980, for being inserted in one breaks up forest strategical for a net of agents of the biological conservation. During the year of 2007 the project Roots and Fruits was marked out with buoys by four axles of action: 1. Pedagogical proposals; 2. Agroecolgicas experiences; 3. Spreading and communication e; 4. Institucional relations – that it represented the UFRJ in the meetings of the Managing Advice of the Ecological Reserve of Juatinga (REJ) and the Area of Ambient Protection (APA) Cairuu.

The activities of field of the last axle, of which I was part, had had as objective to include the Academy in the process of negotiation and taking of decision in what it refers to the management of the units of conservation. Therefore we carry through activities of field in Black Tip and the Beach of Sleep, in order to understand the organization of the local traditional communities and the relation of these with the responsible managing agencies. In these activities of field the team was perceiving that the REJ was only one of the protecting areas inside of a Corridor of Biodiversity (Ecolgico and Etnolgico) bigger, integrant portion of ecological the running call of the Mountain range of the Sea, what it demanded of the group an inquiry on the management of the socioambientais resources of this corridor. We carry through, still, the interchange of information between the local communities and the council members of the APA Cairuu, where the team of the axle institucional relations carried through the drafting of official acts.


Economic Activities

Posted by Sylia on

Valtey Martins de Souza II This work has as main focus, the geographic ways and the sectors daeconomia, that the societies in elapsing of its histories, had developed sobreesses half. At the first moment, I will speak of the concept of economic activities, therefore, the same ones if find inclusas in the sectors of the economy. Thus, to speak of the ways geographic, that are half natural, meiotcnico and half technician-scientific-informacional, I will use osconhecimentos disponibilizados for Saints (1992). In the sequence, I will go to treat on the sectors of secondary, tertiary and quaternary the economy, that can serentendidos as primary. Finally, in conclusive notes, I will revise my writings briefly I will erelacionarei the sectors of the economy and its respective economic activities, to the geographic ways. 2. GEOGRAPHIC HALF ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AND the human beings Are by means of the activities econmicas1que can get the things that they need for its lives. Elasconstituem the essential source of job and income for the population.

It is for meiodelas, also, that the space is created and transformed into function of the general processoprodutivo of the society. As much the creation, how much to the transformation doespao, depends on the resources and the techniques that the men use. The techniques, as well as the society, had passed and pass for a processoevolutivo. for intermediary of this evolution in the time and the space, sociedadefoi constructing a history of the different uses that makes of the space, therefore, naspalavras of Saints & Silveira (2001) the construction of this history: They are the human logics and times imposing it the nature, situations in queas possibilities techniques gifts denote the resultant conflicts daemergncia of successive geographic ways, all incompletely carried through, all incompletely spread out (p.31). For the cited authors above, the periodizao of the evolution of tcnicadivide in three distinct periods, the natural way, the way technician and the meiotcnico-scientificone.