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Posted by Sylia on

then, had to the traditional description of the differentiation of functions, where the man would have to occupy with the labor activities, whereas the women would be in charge them domestic functions, was in fact a to be broken barrier, an ideological value that the women had had to face to search its space in the current economic and social conjuncture, and, therefore the effect of this implication still endorse in a context contemporary, thus providing the different women conditions of work in comparison the reality lived deeply for the men. This implication is characteristic that still happens of the existence of the sort inaquality, that also is propitious phenomenon and of some form it pro finishes to fall again into practical of moral siege against the women. Then, using itself of this quarrel to understand that even so the women come gaining new spaces throughout the years, the feminine situation not yet is one of the best ones, that is, not yet if of the one of igualitria form, it sees that this problem falls again, therefore, of the inaquality of sort, treated to follow. 4,3 Inaquality of Sort in the Work To speak in sort inaquality with approach in the work questions means to understand the relations of being able existing between men and women. As already firmed previously, the feminine ascension was not given of homogeneous form throughout the time, therefore, exactly with the increasing busy space for the women in the market of work, the best jobs, the wages highest, and the great positions politicians, among others, still then in significant concentration of the men. It is lamentable to describe that these characteristics still send of one old discriminatory ideology, where the inaquality traces have its explanation in the traditional separation of papers between men and women. The preference of certain companies for the act of contract of men, instead of women, possess as basic explanation the concept of productivity and costs on social changes. .


Business Strategies To Make Money

Posted by Sylia on

Perhaps you believe that this is something deceptive, but no; one is something fazzil. We have not been mistaken in the word, because this is indeed the company that has the great news to you as far as the form to mount your page Web in Internet and that this is profitable. By all means, everything has a beginning and a due process when we want that the things are to us well. He is that Internet is now a great platform of businesses, and you cannot not know that the world Web, you wish if it, is waiting for to you so that you can implant a goal in your life. The techniques to make money in the Web are very varied. There are many people who are of inspiration for others; this is undeniable.

And what we really want it is that you can assume the control of your labor life of a way that is to you more comfortable and simple. Many people think and with reason that to make a page Web is something complicated. This concept is the one that fazzil wants to change for this next 31 of May. For that reason, you do not forget that you must be very pending for this date so that you can know a new technology that you it will assure, by all means with the due attention, a good possibility of adscribirte to the success in the Web. Everything is this basically within this proposal.

The important thing is that you do not forget that you have something very important that to develop and is your intelligence and your intellectual development. Each or one of us and us has a particular relation with Internet. For example, you can comunicarte through social networks very well. Perhaps perhaps you like to chatear, to think in forums, to arm discussions, etc. only likes you divertirte. To play in the Web, for example, or to visit pages that interest to you on a certain subject. Than it is wanted to put record in this article is that it is possible to do something more in Internet, something that allows us to be beneficiary and simultaneously very active people in the network. But not to way of entertainment, but of businesses, opportunities, projection. If you do not want one more to be one or, this is great chance so that it is imbuyendo of everything what they have to do the strategies of business in the Web. It watches; you perhaps she says that all this gives laziness him, that is not an expert or an expert, whom are other people who are in charge of this. It would not like to have its space in the Web that it can do somebody profitable one? It would not like to learn to leave the pile, little by little, and to be a visible head of the development Web? We are not forcing anything to him; simply we want that you put this idea in perspective and why no, uses plus the imagination. All and all we have an impressive potential and this is not one more a self-help phrase. It is an opportunity to discover who we are.


Organizational Changes Can Be Done With Finesse

Posted by Sylia on

When it comes to organizational change should understand that they must succeed as a result of an attitude within the organization, and that they should be consistent with existing organizational culture. This explains the failure of many breeding programs when they are imposed without having occurred organizational adjustments required to ensure its success. In many companies this has been the case of total quality programs. To accomplish this comprehensive approach is necessary that managers have a different view about their role as engines of the organization and be proactive in its performance, as well as the responsibility of cooperation that should provide the human resource enablers all necessary means to face challenges, demands that the new technology required and to ensure efficiency, productivity.

Consider that proactive managers are those who feel committed to the organization and are characterized by: inspiring a shared vision for the organization and deployment of that vision in the same, validating as it integrates with individual visions members of the company, determining business values, to develop a strategic management process to develop the action plan in order to achieve the vision and strategies necessary, and a process for evaluating the strategic goals and objectives with emphasis on support to achieve the goals, targets not arbitrarily disconnected from the vision of the company (Carrillo, 1997). The vision is set by the leaders, therefore, be achieved to the extent that they are in tune with the individual visions of each of the members of the organization. Opening a new organizational awareness search of permanent changes in people and in organizations is one of the current concerns of the business, which has tested various efforts to do so.


CDI Deep

Posted by Sylia on

With the real interest in the house of 5% to the year, below of the atuariais goals (6%) the entities will have to review its politics of investments and to realocar good part of its asset. According to survey of the consultoria RiskOffice, in up to three years, the investiments in shares will have to pass little of more than 12% of wallets for about 35% of the patrimony of the foundations (this statistics it does not include Previ, of the employees of the Bank of Brazil, that has 50% in action more than, what it would distort the data). The deep ones also will have to extend the investments in atrelados public headings to the inflation, as the NTNs. The ideal, says Marcelo Rabbat, director of the RiskOffice, is to go up of current next 30% for something 50%. On the other hand, it must more than have a great migration of the half of the assets, today placed in public papers tied with the CDI, for other modalities, keeping only one minimum box of the order of 5% of the total, for guarantee of liquidez.’ ‘ Many deep ones are hindered to apply resources in asset with lesser return of what its atuarial goal, but the public headings today already pay less of what 6%. Most important she is that necessary to have a change of cultura’ ‘ , it affirms Rabbat. Beyond the search for changeable income and asset of inflation, the entities will have to extend the participation in headings of bigger risk, as corporative credit and deep of ‘ ‘ private equity’ ‘. But alert Rabbat that these markets still present challenges, as the problems of precificao, formalizao and management of guarantees of the credit assets, for example.


The Parent Paper

Posted by Sylia on

The scope of read is very important for infants, also actors major and early promoters of reading books are parents. I ntroduction: the following article refers to the work of parents in the training in reading infant reader (his sons and daughters). As we noticed and observed in our reality that many children and adolescents are only interested in visit to video games (games network), watch television and download works already done by Internet to present to the professor. This makes children and adolescents lose interest in reading and even lose their creativity and imagination. Visit Ex-President of the Portland Trail Blazers for more clarity on the issue. This problem is very big in our in all developed countries. However the main objective of the East article is that parents take into account that they must help their sons (daughters) to take reading habits and encourage to read books. The reading should be chosen according to taste and maturity of the child (a) where the parents are the best models of reading for their children.Is a proven that parents request to the teachers, tips to stimulate pleasure in their children by reading in many educational units in this era of video games (games network), television and Internet programs very difficult school-age children and even teenagers themselves seeking information in a library or read a book of any genre. The habit of reading, is not easily acquired, but you need a series of factors that interact in the creation of a for the formation of the child reader.Which we ask ourselves what are the factors that interact in the creation of a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in the formation of the child reader? Responding to that question here I have some factors that must be born of the family which I mention below: a) the presence of books in homes, as its everyday use also contributes to establish in the child has essential links with the habit of reading.


Universal Declaration

Posted by Sylia on

The Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Man 1 express estesentimento of clear form in its article XXV: Art. XXV All man has right to a capable standard of living to deassegurar itself and its family health and well-being, also medical feeding, clothes, habitation, cares and indispensable the social services, edireito to the security in case of unemployment, illness, invalidity, widowhood, velhiceou other cases of loss of the ways of subsistence in circumstances is deseu control. 2 In its workmanship, Coast 3 mentions that the constitution dossistemas of social protection had its origin with some historical landmarks. Entreeles the beddings of the bismarckiano social insurance are distinguished (1883); in socialSecurity American Act (1935); in the ideal of Beveridge (1942), of the release they dohomem of the necessity, and in Declaration of the Human Rights. Such fatostransformaram in paradigms for the institution and evolution of sistemasnacionais of social security. The notion of presented dignity makes to appear the concept social daseguridade, having as objective the protection and the security dostrabalhadores in its familiar scope. Balera 4 mentions that the capacidadehumana knew to create the social security to make possible the conquest of the bem-estarcoletivo, being it joint it of the measures that if valley the State to take care of asnecessidades of security in the adversity of the human being, giving tranqilidadequanto to the future. In other words, the Social security tries the proteonecessria to the insured when these do not have the conditions enough to parasuprir, for its proper ways, the necessities of its family.

The Social security is distinguished in three basic concepts. 5 the first one is the Social welfare, that encloses the covering of contingnciasdecorrentes of illness, invalidity, oldness, unemployment, death and protection maternidade, by means of contribution, granting retirements, pensions, aids, among others. As the concept mentions to it the Social Assistance that treats doatendimento to the hipossuficientes, destining small benefits the people quenunca had contributed for the system. .