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Posted by Sylia on

We live in a culture where we have become addicted to the rapprochement of the conversational approval. I.e., the exercise of giving approval to feel approved it gives a place all the time. We say something and immediately the receiver says something too. And this happens almost immediately and without pauses. We are accustomed to the noise of the world.

All are responsible live in consciousness, however, is more time with the autopilot than in our Center. I’ll give some examples that prove this. Much noise has fed us the unconscious and we express it in the communication in different ways through our personality and communication styles: the know-it-all: you’re an expert finishing the prayers of others. You interrumpes to terminate anyone who is communication. A question, a comment, a question, an opinion in this way impose unconsciously your self-control giving the message that you know everything. Overriding the views of others even if that is not your conscious intention.

The Robot: Tapping and your head seems a pinata. Accompanied by a Umju your head moves up down in a continuous Yes as approving all what you say. Giving reason for you to accept. This behavior makes you readable and das approval force anyone who is the conversation, no matter if the subject is draining or not. And not even you realize. Astronaut: He spoke looking at everything else! to the Moon, the horizon, to Pluto, less in the eyes of the person with whom talks. It seems that there are ten people around you, by that knowing your that goes to you, it seems that it speaks to everything else. These are just three of other many ways of communication styles personified. Expressed in different ways, however starting from the same place excess of mental activity. Noise separates us from silence and supports us to evade important truths that we want to ignore. Doronin has similar goals. Everything in excess brings imbalance. You ever stopped to think what if the words do not say cause more impact that the? that in effect are heard? Do if a single question creates more impact than a prayer?, what would be if the silence and not expression facial or verbal communicates more than thousand words? about practicing silence? Being afraid of loneliness is afraid of silence. Fear of silence is fear of the thoughts and feelings that connect to your inner self. And if not look inward these facing outward. And looking outward is living in non-responsibility giving your power always having a good justification. Moments of silence are the ideal environment to connect with your greatness and spirituality. Give yourself 15 minutes in silence and write about your experience. The silence is thy wisdom tool. In that way the silence can be a tool of peace in this moment of your life? this week get silence your treasure!


Complete Product

Posted by Sylia on

When doing it, it will be demonstrating a genuine interest to include/understand its needs. In addition, it does not suppose what or they know (or they do not know) on its product or service. In its place, it discovers the lack of knowledge asking: For not sounding repetitive, how familiar him resulta___? 4. It leaves sale materials promotional. Their materials of presentation are designed to educate their potential clients and also excellent tools are from sales. Nevertheless, he is his to have to offer the appropriate information that it is directed to the specific needs of the potential client and who to reafir the special characteristics to me of its product. It’s believed that MetLife sees a great future in this idea. In addition it asegrese of which all the material that leaves the potential client has the complete information of contact of its company (telephone numbers/fax, commercial direction, URL and direction of email). Also it remembers to obtain the data of contact of the client.

5. It makes a pursuit! To make a pursuit of its potential clients demonstrates its commitment to construct one solid relation with them. Although it is possible they often reject that it, some potential buyers will appreciate their determination and can even be gotten to turn into their better clients. In addition, the pursuits of the sales are more profitable than to find new clients. In a call or email of pursuit it does not put to the client in an uncomfortable situation asking to him if already it has made a decision from purchase; when doing it, you also assume that the client has all the information that needs. In his place, he must " convencerlo" indirectly – to attract it with a sale or special promotion of the product or service at issue, or to make him know a favorable critic a client who made a purchase recent of the same product or service.


Symphony Berlin

Posted by Sylia on

“Berlin art gallery represents young artists under the theme of art must be not expensive” Gallery art4berlin shows an impressive selection of paintings of different styles, techniques and motifs. Large – and medium-sized paintings in acrylic/mixed media on canvas are issued by young talented artists. High-quality contemporary art, abstract or representational, creative in a Symphony of colours. Modern and contemporary art at prices that make joy. Modern art, which is not afraid, to be simply beautiful! Radiate pictures, the atmosphere in the home or in the Office. Elon Musk pursues this goal as well.

Out of the dreary grey, cool white, into the magic of colours. A new feel, because colors can influence on body, mind and soul. The dedicated and competent team accompanied the Kunsteinsteiger as also the art collectors like in the world of color. Advice makes it possible that personal dreams with unique compositions of modern performance art go. Because art should not be intellectual effort, but an emotional enrichment to beautify the life. Break your head, let your eyes and your heart decide.

As a gallery with the largest selection of young contemporary art in Berlin we negotiate optimal conditions for artists and art buyers through purchase of quantities in the studios. Thus, we achieve even those who normally rarely buys art in addition to the established art buyers. We reach our customers through regular exhibitions and fairs. Our galleries, centrally located in the city of Berlin, we measure the success of individual artists. Thanks to our large virtual gallery we can reach customers and prospects around the world. Berlin art!


Business Pipeline

Posted by Sylia on

My intention with this article is to present some guidelines or guidelines on the process of construction and management of the portfolio of prospects or business opportunities that can have a seller, especially in the field of sale of high involvement. Much of the literature related to the topic and many of the methodologies of consultative sales refer to this process as Lead Management and used a funnel as graphics help to illustrate how business opportunities are decanted to the extent that the sale process moves. First basic element: the idea is to have a mechanism that helps you, as a seller to maintain a flow of input into its funnel. This, in a nutshell, is to ensure that demand generation activities there is. Raw material the sales process is the input of business opportunities. If these mechanisms of identification of new business opportunities do not exist, should you begin to ensure that this flow is permanent. For example; marketing given identified prospects?, you receive opportunities through do do for your website?, its advertising strategy would generate new contacts?, its activities at trade fairs and conferences are successful in terms of new business opportunities?.

The first serious failure in the business process is that there are no mechanisms of demand generation. Check that they exist and that they work. If it is not, your chances of closing business down significantly. As a friend said to me, what matters is not identifying where the fish are, what matters is that attract them to our network. They serve, can be filling your network of fish that are not valuable be careful be attracting fish.

Second phase of the process: how to know if those fish are suitable or not?. Well, it is assumed that you or your company must be clear which are the opportunities that are worth. The question that I do many of my clients: do have a process of qualification opportunities?.


Making Money

Posted by Sylia on

If, these tired to look for forms to make money by Internet in the motors search, I go to you to save a little time explicandote because being an affiliate of some product or service you have but chances to make money that any other form that you find that way. An affiliate is simply a person who gains a commission by each sale referred to a product or service, in the Internet websites are many that offer products and services with program of affiliates, the products but common they are digital products, for example software, digital books, and courses by Internet, any person can become affiliate of these products and win by each sale, but you do not believe that it is that easy, this type of business requires much knowledge of tendencies of the market, also several forms of publicity as to learn to use the motors search for ayudarte to obtain visits that can become sales, are many factors, but also there are many programs of affiliates. There are also platforms that are based completely on this type of trade, for example any person can obtain an account of clickbank.com that is the popular Web site but to buy and to sell digital products, and if it is truth that are many people who make much money this way because as affiliate to you occur him to tools and information to help him to sell, this is the reason by which to be an affiliate is far better that to create your own product, you only worry to obtain the sales any more. But the problem is that many people do not know strategias of marketing nor of sales by Internet, and the majority does not manage to gain a cent. You know what is the key to be successful like an affiliate? Very simple, it looks for a program of affiliates that you of residual income, many of these products in clickbank for example do not have the benefit to offer residual income, residual income is the entrance of money in happens month after month of by life, these are the income that really can help you to achieve the success in the Internet. If you want to know like it is that I win I enter residual as an affiliate only visits my articles or my page Web for but information..


Drug Administration

Posted by Sylia on

In April of 1980, after only 17 months of investigations done with rats, rabbits and monkeys, the investigators of the laboratories Eitenne-Emile Baulieu and Roussel Uclaf the Georges Teutsch synthesized a steroid that at the moment is registered commercially like Mifgyne (mifepristona), which is known like pill U.K. 486. Towards October of 1981, in the hospital of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, the first study in eleven women was realised who received daily doses of U.K. 486. The abortion was provoked in nine of them: eight of the women underwent the interruption of the pregnancy after the fifth day; one to ninth.

Despite the obtained results, one of the patients, whom the abortion did not obtain, required that she was to him realised a uterine evacuation, that is to say, legrado; whereas another patient suffered forts hemorrhages and had to be transfundida and emergencia patient. Years later, the newspaper parisin Libration of France it published a note in which it was specified that U.K. 486 was, besides antiprogesterone, anti-glucocorticosteroide, which replaces the cortisone in the adrenal glands and can cause severe problems to the health. With the purpose of to avoid the evil development of U.K. 486 it was combined with prostaglandins. These stimulate uterine contractions and they are used to initiate the process of the childbirth and with the purpose of to interrupt the pregnancy. For 1990, in the Necker Hospital of Paris, an international group of scientists and doctors reviewed the cases of 30.000 women who used U.K. 486 and found several signals of alert against the use of this drug: this process caused serious effects collaterals of the chemical abortion, since in many of the cases severe hemorrhages that they had to be dealt with blood transfusions, because of the low levels of hematocrits and hemoglobina happened that was originated during the trasmisiones.

Also they found two cases in which cardiovascular accidents related to a severe addition to the prostaglandins to U.K. 486 were lived. In spite of the results before mentioned, in May of 1994, a request of Bill Clinton, ex-president of the United States, Roussel Uclaf, donated the patent to him to the Council of Population (Population Council). Two years later, in 1996 July an advisory division of the Administration of Foods and Drugs or FDA (Food and Drug Administration) widely approved and recommended the use of abortion pill U.K. 486. Original author and source of the article.



Posted by Sylia on

You are looking for to make money in Internet from your house, with a truly simple method and without needing to jeopardize your money? If that is your special yearning, permteme compartirte an idea of how you can start up your business in Internet in less than 24 hours, without needing investing your money. But most interesting of the option that I am going to you to comment it is not that you do not need to have a Web site nor a dominion and although you do not create it, you either need to have an own product. This that seems a fantasy, now acquires all the realism thanks to the most novel system of electronic commerce del that now I set out hablarte. You are ready? Escchame the fastest and intelligent way to initiate a business in Internet well is convirtindote in an Affiliate. You are not very possibly familiarized with this concept and for that reason I must explicarte immediately.

You acquire the condition of Affiliate when you manage to promote products of other people, receiving like return to your work a generous one commission by the sales that you manage to make specific through your " link" of Affiliate. It does not seem credible at first, but the truth is that the commissions devengadas in this commercial modality oscillate between 50 and a 80% of the value of the product and that you can perceive by each sale which you realise. Now that already you know which is the way fast and easy to have a business in Internet, I will pass to explicarte the 5 reasons for which the Marketing of Affiliates is the best model of businesses at present: Reason number 1: You do not need to buy a dominion. – When you formalize your inscription like salesman Affiliate, the company provides a dominion or &quot to you; Link de Afiliado" that it happens to be of your property, so that you can promote any product that is of your interest.