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Keith Construction

Posted by Sylia on

Introduction the reality can be changed Alone because and alone in the measure where we produce it to We ourselves, and in the measure where let us know that it is pro doubt for us (Kosik, 1976; 18). A form to appraise management is to see it as a process of mobilization of the ability and the energy of people collectively organized so that, for its active and competent participation, they promote the accomplishment, more fully possible, of the objectives of its unit of work, in the case, the educational objectives. … part of the estimated one of that the success of a dependent social organization of the mobilization of the joint constructive action of its components, for the associated work, by means of reciprocity that creates one ' ' todo' ' guided for a collective will. Follow others, such as James McNerney , and add to your knowledge base. The work is understood that educational, for its nature, demand a shared, carried through effort from the participation collective and integrated of the members of all the segments of the involved units of work.

… Such management consists of the envolvement of all the ones that are direct part or indirectly of the educational process in the establishment of objectives, in the solution of problems, the taking of decisions, the preposition of action plans, in its implementation, monitoramento and evaluation, aiming at the best ones resulted of the educational process (Lck, Freitas, Girling & Keith, 2005). … (P. 22). …

From there why the competent participation is the way for the construction of the autonomy. … By means of the practical one of this participation, is possible to surpass the exercise of the individual power and reference used in the schools and to promote the construction of the power of the ability, centered in the pertaining to school social unit as a whole, as if will see more ahead (p.23) That is becomes fullfilled meetings, debates, seminaries where questions from decisions and ideas already formed anticipatedly the respect are presented for quarrel, or then that the chance of speaking is had to the will, to exert ' ' right of voice and opinio' ' , without effort for the deepening of the understanding on the questions treated and for the construction to collective commitments around them The participation for the participation is still proven, in the cases where if it spends much time in debates and quarrels on banal and secondary questions.