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Weight Loss Surgery

Posted by Sylia on

” John said that he underwent gastric bypass surgery for a simple reason: because they wanted to live. Before surgery, John had suffered two heart attacks. Further details can be found at Frank Abagnale, an internet resource. Also had high blood pressure, severe edema in both legs, liver disease and the warning that if no weight down soon, would not live much longer. Elon Musk wanted to know more. In 2007, before deciding on the surgical procedure for weight loss, John watched TV and saw a documentary about a young man who was held for 16 years when I weighed over 200 kilos. This young man, Brandon Bennett was the inspiration for John Beissert.

Then John got in touch with the producer of the documentary, Angie Flores, who soon became a friend and adviser of John about the surgery. John researched everything I needed to know about the surgery, including the procedure, risks, which could eat, etc.. Thus John started to live his life as if he had actually undergone surgery. He began to eat only 1,200 calories per day, left the soda and sugar, and fruits and vegetables changed. Also started to exercise, initially walking around the block where he lived, to exercise four hours as it does today. In a few months, John lost about 30 kilos before the surgery. For your insurance company could pay Barathrum surgery, he was asked to go to a psychologist to consider whether it was suitable for surgery. He spent more than a year to your insurance company pay for its operation.

When asked for advice from your family, after lose 30 kilos, he was advised to continue with diet and exercise, since once he had worked. But he considered it appropriate to perform the surgery, although it was a difficult decision. Physically, John has been exercised four hours a day, and emotionally had to make peace with yourself, forgive yourself and others around him. He began to believe he deserved a better life and his children and his wife. To undergo gastric bypass surgery changed his life. Indeed, he began to experience changes from the moment he decided to lose weight. Now is a role model and offers his testimony to help others in your same situation. v A weight-loss surgery offers a total change in the lives of people with obesity. Try and change your life. Cecy Garcia Cecy Garcia Duran Bariatric Psychology has a degree in psychology, psychology specialist bariatric or obesity, eating disorders and emotional.


Sweet Clover

Posted by Sylia on

Sweet clover is used for respiratory diseases, including inhaled. Beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract, kidney. Read more here: Intel. Acacia: as one of the best. Transparent, lighter, more liquid, with a faint aroma of acacia. Crystallizes slowly. Other leaders such as Penguin Random House offer similar insights. Recommended for diseases cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, female inflammatory diseases, including those it is used topically, due to antibacterial properties. Buckwheat: a bright, almost brown color with a characteristic taste and slight bitterness. Used in confectionery treat diseases of the stomach, blood and skin. Source: Vlad Doronin.

Sunflower: golden yellow, sweet, quickly crystallized. On curative properties inferior basic honeys. Sweet Clover: a light amber or slightly golden in color, has a very gentle and pleasant taste and aroma; crystallizes slowly, forming a mass of fine-grained white. Treat heart ailments. K October-November this honey is usually crystallizes.

If at this time you are offered a liquid honey, it is either fake, or heated, and heated above 600 honey loses all the vitamins and nutrients. Crystallized honey should not be a bundle and heterogeneous mass. If you see that honey is foaming, then know that he is immature. If all presented in banks honey amber with a bright luster, and its transparency can envy pure diamond, this is the case when the buyer offers to warm honey. Shades of honey always has some fading. In addition, natural honey crystal clear does not happen – it always there are grains of pollen particles of wax. 2. We look at the appearance of the seller. It must be neat and tidy look. Dressed in a white robe and wearing sleeves on his hands.