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Posted by Sylia on

We live in a culture where we have become addicted to the rapprochement of the conversational approval. I.e., the exercise of giving approval to feel approved it gives a place all the time. We say something and immediately the receiver says something too. And this happens almost immediately and without pauses. We are accustomed to the noise of the world.

All are responsible live in consciousness, however, is more time with the autopilot than in our Center. I’ll give some examples that prove this. Much noise has fed us the unconscious and we express it in the communication in different ways through our personality and communication styles: the know-it-all: you’re an expert finishing the prayers of others. You interrumpes to terminate anyone who is communication. A question, a comment, a question, an opinion in this way impose unconsciously your self-control giving the message that you know everything. Overriding the views of others even if that is not your conscious intention.

The Robot: Tapping and your head seems a pinata. Accompanied by a Umju your head moves up down in a continuous Yes as approving all what you say. Giving reason for you to accept. This behavior makes you readable and das approval force anyone who is the conversation, no matter if the subject is draining or not. And not even you realize. Astronaut: He spoke looking at everything else! to the Moon, the horizon, to Pluto, less in the eyes of the person with whom talks. It seems that there are ten people around you, by that knowing your that goes to you, it seems that it speaks to everything else. These are just three of other many ways of communication styles personified. Expressed in different ways, however starting from the same place excess of mental activity. Noise separates us from silence and supports us to evade important truths that we want to ignore. Doronin has similar goals. Everything in excess brings imbalance. You ever stopped to think what if the words do not say cause more impact that the? that in effect are heard? Do if a single question creates more impact than a prayer?, what would be if the silence and not expression facial or verbal communicates more than thousand words? about practicing silence? Being afraid of loneliness is afraid of silence. Fear of silence is fear of the thoughts and feelings that connect to your inner self. And if not look inward these facing outward. And looking outward is living in non-responsibility giving your power always having a good justification. Moments of silence are the ideal environment to connect with your greatness and spirituality. Give yourself 15 minutes in silence and write about your experience. The silence is thy wisdom tool. In that way the silence can be a tool of peace in this moment of your life? this week get silence your treasure!


Madrid Organizations

Posted by Sylia on

The consumers are more and more demanding and no longer it is sufficient with finding a product that satisfies its needs, the cmos are crucial. The organizations face a competition so, that they cannot be mere product suppliers or services, have to look for a differentiation perceived by the client. For that reason, this Thursday will be the I Day of Experience of client who takes place in our country. It organizes prestigious university ICADE next to DBM, the first consultant who began to design and to implant experiences of client in Spain. And high managers of all the sectors will participate. They will attend professionals implied in generating yield from a superior contribution of the people. They do and it because they are seeing that he is very profitable, that is guarantee of more retention, of more sales, of more prescription.

Of more productivity, more use. The inscription can be realised by means of the connection () and appear Thursday in Madrid. A unique opportunity is tried to give a return to Spain, to give the country which needs to re-invent to us, to leave the hole, to return to generate use productive. The company Drake Beam Morin (DBM), founded on New York in 1967, counts with more than 40 years of experience in human management of capital, transformation and transition of organizations. They offer its services in 24 languages, and have taken care of more than 50,000 companies and 3 million people at world-wide level. DBM Spain, with delegations in Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao, was created in 1982 with an equipment formed by professionals of different profiles that provide solutions to the people and to the organizations. This company bases its efforts on two lines of business: Outplacement and Transformacin. In this last one, they take from 2005 applying the methodology to generate more sales, satisfying to the clients, being in Spain pioneering in client experience.


The Parent Paper

Posted by Sylia on

The scope of read is very important for infants, also actors major and early promoters of reading books are parents. I ntroduction: the following article refers to the work of parents in the training in reading infant reader (his sons and daughters). As we noticed and observed in our reality that many children and adolescents are only interested in visit to video games (games network), watch television and download works already done by Internet to present to the professor. This makes children and adolescents lose interest in reading and even lose their creativity and imagination. Visit Ex-President of the Portland Trail Blazers for more clarity on the issue. This problem is very big in our in all developed countries. However the main objective of the East article is that parents take into account that they must help their sons (daughters) to take reading habits and encourage to read books. The reading should be chosen according to taste and maturity of the child (a) where the parents are the best models of reading for their children.Is a proven that parents request to the teachers, tips to stimulate pleasure in their children by reading in many educational units in this era of video games (games network), television and Internet programs very difficult school-age children and even teenagers themselves seeking information in a library or read a book of any genre. The habit of reading, is not easily acquired, but you need a series of factors that interact in the creation of a for the formation of the child reader.Which we ask ourselves what are the factors that interact in the creation of a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere in the formation of the child reader? Responding to that question here I have some factors that must be born of the family which I mention below: a) the presence of books in homes, as its everyday use also contributes to establish in the child has essential links with the habit of reading.