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Great Dictator

Posted by Sylia on

The ambassadors or foreigners who visited the Sultn of Istambul, rambling by the gardens, ran into with the deprived residence of the Sultn and heard this word like indication of which they could not go further on. The correct word is ” Serrallo”: Part of the Muslim house where they inhabit the women, or set of all the women who live under the dependency of a Muslim head of family. In the western masculine fantasy, this word suggests polygamy; sexual slaves prepared to satisfy desires with its gentleman. Hebefilia: With this word those are identified that feel sexually attracted by the adolescents. Lees: They are denominated thus to the remainders of the digestion that are expelled by the anus.

The people who are excited with the vision, the expulsion, the game or the tasting of lees denominate coproflicos to them; if it is the urine, uroflicos are called. Hermafrodita: The hermafroditas are people with sexual characters of man and woman. They must his name to the son of Hermes and Aphrodite that was born with these characteristics: penis, testicles and sines; for that reason it received the name of Hermafrodito. Hetairas: During centuries IV and V a. Cs., in Greece, existed called women hetairas who were the equivalent of geishas in Japan. They were women very educated and gorgeous. Many of them were the models of the classic sculptors; some, actresses who served like company to the men public in the highest step as prostitution.

And they were the unique free women who were in the century of Pericles. They had properties and they managed his immense fortunes. They remained unmarried and some when they retired created schools of seduction for free women. Like example, of its power in the Greek masculine society, we have to Aspasia; inteligentsima and beautiful lover of Pericles that governed next to him and advised him with wisdom in all the questions of state. Heterosexuals: The heterosexualidad is the preference by a companion of different sex. Like homosexuality, this inclination, comes determined by genetic, hormonal and social factors. The majority of the modern biologists thinks that the heterosexualidad is the manifestation of the human bisexuality. Higrofilia: Higrofilia is called to the sexual excitation brought about by the contact with corporal secretions between which are the tears, the saliva, the semen or the snots. For that reason some people practice the call nasolingus, that is a oriented caress to savor snots of the other. Or salirofilia, that is the excitation brought about by the flavor of the sweat. Or the vampirismo, the suction of a bleeding wound. Homilofilia: It is called thus to the sexual excitation brought about to listen to or to give to sermons or speeches. One tells that Hitler was excited sexually during their speeches; It thus express it to Charlot in parodia that does of this in the Great Dictator.


The Restaurateur

Posted by Sylia on

The requirements for a tax-free or tax-advantaged acquisitions were currently reformed again and makes it easier. Who inherits a company so from the 01.01.2010 or will be presented, remains already exempt from inheritance or gift tax if the company will be continued only at least 5 years and the wage bill is not lower than the value of 700% of the original wage bill after 7 years. Only 15% Steuerzahlt of the contractor if he continues the operation of at least five years and the wage bill for this period at least 400% of the wage summer reached in the year of acquisition. VAT hospitality in the press much discussion was now valid lowering the sales tax rate for accommodation services from the hotel business in advance. The overnight stay in the hotel, for example, only 7% instead of so far 19% subject to VAT. In the hotel industry, which is particularly affected by the economic crisis would be – dropped in the past year not only the number of holiday nights but above all the number of business travelers who make up a significant share of sales in the hotel.

In practice, this can still some lead to difficulties because any additional services, like meals (breakfast, half board, for example) are still with 19% taxable, while the pure night performance is tax deductible. The restaurateur or hotelier must accordingly on the invoice separately the different services or create multiple invoices. 2 also thanks to work and social crisis is the agreed extension of short-time money. The short money (abbreviated also Kug) will be extended by another year, economically endangered companies can introduce short-time working to bridge the Straits so also in the year 2010. At the request of the workers who partially or completely be exempted from work, receive short money in the amount of 60-67% of their previous Nettolohns. .