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Posted by Sylia on

Depending on the length of the cornice design solution may be much greater than the width of the window. Wide (long) cornice, whose boundaries are far in favor of the window to the side, visually expand the room. – If the window is a complex form, select the cornice to the form window. So, for arched windows, there are curved windows, radius can be chosen to form the window – in Some manufacturers have a range of curtains with different radii. You can wrap the cornice and on individual measures – such opportunities will provide you the eaves of the profile.

If a window bay, ideal – as a cornice broken line (method of fastening the cornice to the wall): the angles between the segments of such rods can be adjusted. – Curtain should be chosen, and depending on the severity of the curtains. If this light curtain, suitable hollow cornice. If this heavy curtains, it is better to choose a cornice with a reinforcing filler and desirable method of securing to choose "the ceiling". Accessories desirable that all the major accessories used to decorate curtains (Holders, grommets and etc.) were designed in one style or even included in one collection. Although, in the presence of taste, bans on design experiments not. Terminals raises the curtain on the ends. Most often sold together with the curtain, but sometimes separately. Can be as neutral as geometric shapes, and more unusual, in the form of grapes, precious stones, etc. The main thing is to match the tip design of the curtains.


Algeria Country

Posted by Sylia on

By integrating immigration and development both the issuing country as the receiver may benefit. The humanitarian character of integration policies is already question of each country and their collective identity. A European Commissioner is perhaps not necessary to manage migratory flows but a policy that guarantees the rights and duties of immigrants. We have a police look toward immigration. Europe installs internment camps outside its borders. In Algeria, Morocco and the South of Libya, there are important immigrant holding centres where human rights are not respected says Nair. Also, the situation of many immigrants who have crossed the walls of fortress Europe and without being able to regularize their situation just suffering the Ulysses syndrome cry to our conscience. A box of intense stress motivated by loneliness, fear and helplessness that suffer from many of the immigrants without papers.

Demographic North decays, human South rises. We get many people young and dynamic, able to withstand poor conditions of reception in rich countries, where the population is increasingly more aged. The majority of immigrants arriving in Europe do not want to settle permanently but faced the risk of losing the residence and work permits when they come out of the host country, just by bringing their families and forget to return. Accept and control these transits in an organized manner is the only way of preventing illegal flows. Immigrants who live together and learn the mechanisms of European countries, when they return to their country not only can build your House or setting up a business but rather favor the democratization of their places of origin. It is a good way to fruitful interculturality.


Madrid Organizations

Posted by Sylia on

The consumers are more and more demanding and no longer it is sufficient with finding a product that satisfies its needs, the cmos are crucial. The organizations face a competition so, that they cannot be mere product suppliers or services, have to look for a differentiation perceived by the client. For that reason, this Thursday will be the I Day of Experience of client who takes place in our country. It organizes prestigious university ICADE next to DBM, the first consultant who began to design and to implant experiences of client in Spain. And high managers of all the sectors will participate. They will attend professionals implied in generating yield from a superior contribution of the people. They do and it because they are seeing that he is very profitable, that is guarantee of more retention, of more sales, of more prescription.

Of more productivity, more use. The inscription can be realised by means of the connection () and appear Thursday in Madrid. A unique opportunity is tried to give a return to Spain, to give the country which needs to re-invent to us, to leave the hole, to return to generate use productive. The company Drake Beam Morin (DBM), founded on New York in 1967, counts with more than 40 years of experience in human management of capital, transformation and transition of organizations. They offer its services in 24 languages, and have taken care of more than 50,000 companies and 3 million people at world-wide level. DBM Spain, with delegations in Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao, was created in 1982 with an equipment formed by professionals of different profiles that provide solutions to the people and to the organizations. This company bases its efforts on two lines of business: Outplacement and Transformacin. In this last one, they take from 2005 applying the methodology to generate more sales, satisfying to the clients, being in Spain pioneering in client experience.