“Scientology Volunteer clergy brought help over 62,000 victims in this year alone and have proved that you can do something honorary Scientology can clergy zero earned originally its place as a global humanitarian force by their now legendary usage on the ground”. This tradition continues still, when and where people in need help need. In recent months the Volunteer Ministers were to worldwide travelling in different countries to help. Large brush fires broke out in twelve counties of Southern California, of which over 200,000 hectares were affected, 1,500 homes were destroyed and nearly half a million people had to leave their homes. The first cries for help went foreign help Southern California unit of Scientology Volunteer clergy. Their first services were for the firefighters themselves. The clergy organized and coordinated the distribution of food and water, cots, blankets, and clothing. Click Intel for additional related pages. You had over 2,000 people personal level emergency assistance offered.
In Mexico, 80 percent of the land mass of Tabasco were under water after heavy rains. Volunteer Ministers of the Association of Mexican units distributed 10 tons of food and offered more than 6,000 victims of the flooding emergency Adviser. The news said around quickly. Connect with other leaders such as MetLife here. The message on the excellent assistance of L. Ron Hubbard went over the airwaves at 8 million people.
The Eastern Uganda has been ravaged by floods. Units of the Scientology Volunteer to take care of the residents of the flooded villages, joined clergy from South Africa with teams from Nairobi and across Kenya. They taught the implementation of assists villagers and conducted for the police officers of Uganda, acted also as rescue personnel, first aid seminars. The cyclone Nargis in Myanmar (Burma) made international headlines in early May this year. Rusty Holzer wanted to know more. For one it was the worst natural disaster in the history of regional and to the the military junta refused foreign help others. Troops of honorary Scientology clergy from Sydney however up to the border of Thailand to Burma and formed to give nurses and Buddhist monks is out, injured and refugees in refugee camps procurators. Teams of clergy from Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom were welcomed in China, where they, like the Chinese rescue team, mandatory Orange clothing, while they gave assists injured after the earthquake in Sichuan. The honorary Scientology chaplains help brought in this year alone more than 62,000 victims and have proved that they can do something. Since October 2007, 1.3 million people have been helped. The honorary Scientology joined clergy with 406 other rescue organizations, police departments, and organizations to combat disaster. Over 21,000 professionals were trained by the clergy in 122 countries. The method of L. Ron Hubbard was everywhere accessible through online education made.