Venezuelan SMEs

Posted by Sylia on

General information in the Latin American case, specifically Venezuela that concerns us, their companies not only face challenges, threats, opportunities that has been generated lately on the national stage product of the radical changes made by the new Government of the Bolivarian revolution, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias, who has also embarked on instituting a socialita ideology in the country in order to rescue the country from exploitationbackwardness, social injustice, which has faced through the last Governments. But, in addition, face all those changes, challenges, implications that arise from globalization, where Venezuela is not insulated, quite the contrary, this integrated through alliances, exchanges, treaties, conventions that have incidence in both economic, social, cultural technological and even political precisely this aspect of the role of SMEs, particularly to globalization is an issue that can not be evaded, or even by universities, especially the schools of administration that train, form to managers, as well as specialists in markets and all the other topics that are required to assure the performance requirements than the present demand. Universities, must define the profile of that necessary Manager who can deal with the challenges, threats and opportunities arising from globalization. Considerations, history has been written and said, that small and medium-sized industries and Venezuelan companies are the fundamental of the national productive apparatus actor, constitute economically autonomous, modern, efficient and competitive, organizations that are actually inserted into global through its human resources qualified market using innovation and technology to ensure the production of goods and services of high quality in an ethical framework, of respect for the laws and total environmental protection. Venezuelan SMEs are committed to the generation of work, knowledge, individual wealth, prosperity and collective well-being, high levels of economic and social progress and quality of transcendent life for all generations of Venezuelans. Its mission is to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the Venezuelan industry, through the promotion of the interests of the industry, its customers and consumers.