The Institution
We question here: how much valley its professional image? If we could contract professionals of marketing, personal style and others as many professionals, how much we would be made use to pay to take care of of our image? Our professional image is the patrimony more precious than we possess. a time that this is neglected can not be had a new chance of if recouping. One another saying of unknown author becomes true who says ' ' the first impression is the one that fica' ' , therefore a time that caused a crisis in the professional image, if perhaps does not have exactly one second possibility to repair it. The actual damages for one me the image much of the times are irreversible and the damages are enormous. What it can cause a crisis in the image of a professional? The possibilities are innumerable: me the behavior, rumors, bad interpersonal relationship, disrespect the authorities of the organization. Many other attitudes could be cited here, more would deviate the focus, but it is not our intention to be here telling to the human behavior and yes the damage that this generates in such a way of how much positive negative impact in case of different behavior of the mentioned ones. The image crisis and potentially more devastadora of what the common crises, because they can destroy the biggest patrimony of a company, personality or professionals: the reputation.
ROSA-2003 we are living ' ' it was of escndalos' ' where our privacy is invaded to each moment for people who are armed of technological apparatuses that are poured in the market all the moment. Then we must have care with what we make or we speak perhaps so that let us not have our professional image stained by attitudes that can take years to be extinguished, and believes not if it exactly obtains to erase. A zeal with the professional image is necessary, so that such image continues without stains what it will open many doors and the base of everything that is to pautar all the decisions in a way ethical and also come back toward a social responsibility, acting with loyalty stops with the institution which is tied. Looking for to pautar what it is vendido in the resumes with it practises. Thus remaining itself far from situations that can cause it consumes to its image and to bring irreparable damages for all life.