The Education
This authority can be argued in science politics. According to critical of liberalism, the power of the State is exerted by means of a state apparatus and influence the civil society that can be classified as an enclosure for bullfighting of confrontations for projects politicians. For Ansio Teixeira, the liberalism of century XVIII is born according to defending the thesis which the individual nature of the man is enough to guarantee its social participation, depending this participation, exclusively, of its force of will. However, although this conception to have been condizente with the liberal principles of the emergent democratic society, was not capable, according to educator, to transform the habits and customs of the individual that would have, obligatorily, that to engage itself in the society that was born from its new requirements. The freedom of the individual finished for leaving abandoned it and impotent, since it did not integrate it of appropriate form to this another phase of the development of the democratic society. The Education, as a Liberal expression, in a generalized manner, reflects the ideals of the bourgeoisie and emphasizes the individualism and the freedom spirit, the valuation of the capacity of autonomy and rational knowledge, Expresses in the iluministas ideals, discloses to an optimism in relation to the possibility of the reason human being to transform the world. To the measure that the development of the commerce and the industry demanded greater escolarizao, the proletarian children frequented schools that in everything they differed from those private ones to the ruling classes. In the model of the dualista school, in accordance with its social origin the young ones are directed for the global formation, the strict professionalization technique or, still, for the simple ones initiation in reading, writing and to count. In century XX the escolaridade reflected characteristics that if had become central point of the liberal State in the public politics as the pertaining to school expansion that if associated with the magnifying of the rights of citizenship and politics of well-being in all the sectors.