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Posted by Sylia on

For example, the Twins. I think it is no secret that the as Pushkin was, just say a womanizer all his life performing in a constant search for a new woman, and dying because of it, the same, it would seem the only one. It is this trait giddiness, a desire to catch everything at once, but nothing has been finished – the main feature of the mark. Look who else was born under this zodiac sign: Courteney Bass Cox, Nicole Kidman and Sergei Makovetsky. Or, for example, take for example, Dev. Most of the typical workaholic – Virgo. And the list of famous people who were born in September, strikes up the description of the mark: it is, and Pierre Richard, and Sean Connery, and Joseph Kobzon, or for example, Savely Kramarov. Suppose someone say that this is all just a coincidence, and simply well-chosen name, perhaps, but if you take more accurate statistics, just to interview friends and acquaintances, and to compare with the description of a typical sign of the zodiac, you are immediately agree with my arguments. Believe in horoscopes or not – this is the case of each of us individually, but the fact that some of our principles and ideas laid down at birth, is to believe.


The Information

Posted by Sylia on

In this direction when, for example, in the case of Brazil, the net Globe adopts a procedure form, to the other takes it senders as parameter to delimit its action. All these values notice presented by WOLF they act of systematic form to become possible the routine of the journalistic work. tel senior VP and COO. Of this form, these values must most be argued inside of the production procedures, therefore they only acquire meant in the productive process of the notice and there they develop its function. The routines of production of which the values notice are integrant parts, present three phases that are: the collection, the election and the presentation. The collection has as bedding the sources and them they are determinative factors for the quality of the information. The material collected for the correspondents, the envoy special, the cronistas and that it arrives by means of the agencies is reduced the certain number of notice, destined to the transmission of the reporter.

The flow of information received in writings already is regulated of form that can take care of to the procedures and the operational and individual habits of each organization. In this way, the coordinate act of receiving them notice on the part of the journalistic companies already it is configured as an election process. The last stage of the productive process of the notice is the edition and presentation of the notice. Inside of the presentation aspect the main bedding of the activity of edition in the reporters is to transform the event into a history with a beginning, way and end. ' ' The edition is destined, therefore to give a synthetic representation, necessarily soon, visibly coherent and possibly significant of the object of notcia' ' (WOLF 2003 P. 260). On this ' ' teoria' ' , Traquina (2005) affirms that the process of production of the information is born as a series of choices where the flow of notice has to pass for diverse gates, that is, gates, that are not more than what areas of decision in relation which the journalist, that is gatekeeper, has to decide if it goes to choose if this notice passes or does not pass for ' ' porto' ' , that is, if the notice goes or not to be propagated.



Posted by Sylia on

The philosophy in its more classic definition is known as ' ' love sabedoria' ' or ' ' friendship sabedoria' ' this is important, the love. We must search to have love for all the things. Love in the direction of belongs here either in the common wealth, solidarity to other people to other beings etc. Therefore is through the love that if is possible to transform a reality social, familiar, religious and even though global. When we love a person in particular or an object that remembers in them a special moment of our brief existence, we suspiramos of joy when reviewing it, take care of with all zeal and we show all to the others with the pride that fits in our chest, the great trophy of our lives. Thus it would have to be also the mentality of many educators, politicians and in the most diverse professions. One ' ' profissional' ' that it is worried solely about its proper ' ' Eu' ' he is not worthy of being called professional.

Arthur Schopenhauer would say that ' ' the egoism is colossal, the universe cannot contain it. Because they gave to each one the choice enters the destruction of the universe and its proper loss, he is idle to say which would be resposta' ' . Therefore, before everything she is necessary to win this great limitation that inhabits inside in us to be more solidary in the way of education and the life as in one all. To be professional is to make beyond its proper reality is to defy itself current stops beyond its forces. In an audacious and constant search of the improvement of itself and the others consequentemente. It always is clearly, respecting the dignity and the particular limitation of each human being. Polish Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman defines as ' ' Lquida&#039 life; ' this you make where we live.