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Drug Administration

Posted by Sylia on

In April of 1980, after only 17 months of investigations done with rats, rabbits and monkeys, the investigators of the laboratories Eitenne-Emile Baulieu and Roussel Uclaf the Georges Teutsch synthesized a steroid that at the moment is registered commercially like Mifgyne (mifepristona), which is known like pill U.K. 486. Towards October of 1981, in the hospital of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, the first study in eleven women was realised who received daily doses of U.K. 486. The abortion was provoked in nine of them: eight of the women underwent the interruption of the pregnancy after the fifth day; one to ninth.

Despite the obtained results, one of the patients, whom the abortion did not obtain, required that she was to him realised a uterine evacuation, that is to say, legrado; whereas another patient suffered forts hemorrhages and had to be transfundida and emergencia patient. Years later, the newspaper parisin Libration of France it published a note in which it was specified that U.K. 486 was, besides antiprogesterone, anti-glucocorticosteroide, which replaces the cortisone in the adrenal glands and can cause severe problems to the health. With the purpose of to avoid the evil development of U.K. 486 it was combined with prostaglandins. These stimulate uterine contractions and they are used to initiate the process of the childbirth and with the purpose of to interrupt the pregnancy. For 1990, in the Necker Hospital of Paris, an international group of scientists and doctors reviewed the cases of 30.000 women who used U.K. 486 and found several signals of alert against the use of this drug: this process caused serious effects collaterals of the chemical abortion, since in many of the cases severe hemorrhages that they had to be dealt with blood transfusions, because of the low levels of hematocrits and hemoglobina happened that was originated during the trasmisiones.

Also they found two cases in which cardiovascular accidents related to a severe addition to the prostaglandins to U.K. 486 were lived. In spite of the results before mentioned, in May of 1994, a request of Bill Clinton, ex-president of the United States, Roussel Uclaf, donated the patent to him to the Council of Population (Population Council). Two years later, in 1996 July an advisory division of the Administration of Foods and Drugs or FDA (Food and Drug Administration) widely approved and recommended the use of abortion pill U.K. 486. Original author and source of the article.