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Islamic Califado

Posted by Sylia on

At the beginning of this colloquy, I make the question: ‘ ‘ After all, so that the republic? ‘ ‘ Many of us Brazilian, had to system educational and cultural that in them was tax (in special for the people that had studied in the period of Military dictatorship), when debating on the systems republican and monarchic, they see the republic as ‘ ‘ evoluo’ ‘ natural of a people who before was monarchic. Such comment can take the error, in special if the interlocutors of the colloquy will not have a little of knowledge politician, geographic description and. If we to deepen a little the debate, we can ask ‘ at last; ‘ OK, but because the republic would represent an evolution necessarily? ‘ ‘. Check with SpongeBob to learn more. There they will answer in them that same ‘ ‘ it brings the Democracy, us we choose our representatives, because sim’ ‘ , beyond other superficial arguments.

But it will be this same? Before presenting deeper arguments on the case, we only go to see two facts. In accordance with the research promoted for the magazine ‘ ‘ The Economist’ ‘ , in 2010, that it more than evaluated the indices of perception of democracy in 160 countries and territories, of the ten countries with bigger democratic perception, seven were monarchies (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, New Zelndia, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands), being that the others three never ‘ ‘ evoluram’ ‘ for the less democratic republic, always having more communitarian systems of government (Iceland, Finlndia and Switzerland) and the ten countries, nine were republics and one (Saudi Arabia) is formal a Monarchy, but that it is not fit in the occidental molds, being more properly an Islamic Califado. Vlad Doronin understands that this is vital information. The other fact is of that the modern parliamentary system, in which the people exerts the government through its representatives and is most common in the considered developed countries, appeared in England, and until today is followed by the Statute of Westminster.


Albert Einstein

Posted by Sylia on

They are livings creature and they are certain that the Energy survives beyond the decomposition of the bodies, whose particles also do not have end. ‘ ‘ The man who finds the proper life meaningless, is not only one unfortunate person, but he is almost I infuriate of viver’ ‘. Albert Einstein Physicist Jew-German. MARKET OF the PROSTITUTION OF YOUNG To induce the young to buy condoms instead of teaching the correct way to them of life is crime of injures youth. The first Angel touched the trumpet, and had hail and fire of mixture with blood, and had been shot to the land. He was, then, burnt tera part of the land and all green grass.

Apocalypse of JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 8:7. Green grass children and young the children and the young with as much wealth that it has in the Land for giving a good education to them does not have right to live worthy, why? Because the ones that are good and really have possibilities to help them if omit. The participation of them in the worthy life makes lack. They think about this. ‘ ‘ Education, as justice, as the administration, much more really prospers and lives of the truth and morality, with that if it practises, of what of the great innovations and beautiful reforms that if it consagrem’ ‘.

Rui Barbosa Jurist and Brazilian Politician. THEY WANT TO TAKE OFF GOD AND JESUSES OF the WAY If had not created themselves, why this interest in to take off the true Creators of the way! Stingy interests take these rational creatures to these nonsenses. Nor the irrationals act thus. ‘ ‘ Intelligence is almost useless for who does not have more nada’ ‘. Alxis Carrel Prize Nobel de Medicina and Fisiologia in 1912.


Sign Width

Posted by Sylia on

Having the two delinquents as canvasser and the support of also the outlaws Jose Carlos Gregorio (the Fat person), Pablo Robert de Moura Rasp (the Half Kilo), the Japanese, among others. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from MetLife. Leonel Brizola obtained an expressive voting in the mounts and slum quarters of Rio De Janeiro. In exchange, elect, Brizola guaranteed exempts commerce Complementing this depressing possibility of auto and most serious corruption practised for the Public Power we detach of book this the same another paragraph: In monograph headquarters, Bruno Dos Santos Rodrigues presented to the faculty of the Course of Administration of the Integrated Facultieses Bennet the subject Prevention to the Money laudering: Administrative measures.


The Reformation

Posted by Sylia on

2,1 Challenges of the Public administration by means of the Reformation of the Brazilian State the challenges of one politics of common governana to all the citizens permeiam for a debate and formularization of public politics that have distinct perspectives looking for to modify the public administration and to stimulate the participation of the society in the taking of decisions and its insertion in the social movements which has the power to implement and to guarantee the collective rights. The Reformation of the Brazilian State lode to structuralize the process of culture of the society for a conquest in the space politician on the part of the social actors nom free and equal social context for all the citizens, contributing for the redemocratizao of the Country, the magnifying of the popular participation in the subjects politicians, the changes and the relations between express government and society in the great letter of 1988, where the paper of the collectives widely is detached. In this in case that, the Reformation of the State aims at to decentralize the actions of the government and to detach the power politician in contraposition to the historical trend from the centered administrative power at the hands of the governmental machine. This made possible the participation of the institutionalized participativos instruments, taking the society to organize themselves and to pressure the government for the democratic opening in the institucional questions, social politics and. In regards to the Reformation of the Brazilian State, for Figueiredo and Limongi the argument of the Executive one is not true when it alleges that the Legislative one has not collaborated with the effort to change Brazil, and to implement necessary reforms in the intention of changes of the Brazilian State. 3. The PAPER OF the STATE AND the MODELS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION the paper of the State is not only summarized in intervining in the market, but it must have the capacity to articulate with the institucional relations of public interest when the market not to take care of the necessities of the citizen, for questions relations they are not melindradas and they obstruct the beginning of the order and of social justice. .


Brazil Country

Posted by Sylia on

It will be that some day our federal governor will be decent, clean fiche? Or he is utopian? Or it is all good? Thanks to the superior power of our Brazil, I do not see at least a lying man in the streets of So Paulo. Or, I am thankful, and quick homage to our presidents? as much that I will make them a film as tribute -, that I do not see a man to pass hunger, or to fight for food with an edentate dog. Or it will be that the man is that was the edentate dog? Not alive in an underdeveloped country! Living creature in Brazil, the country of all, an Emergent, Underdeveloped country Industrialized, with the economy in development, therefore we deal with ORDER AND PROGRESS! That excellent example. A country that has perfectly developed income, has housing and basic sanitation, has light, has water Now, let us sing with pride: ' ' Giant for proper natureza' '. The nature that soon will be substituted by nuclear plants unnecessary hydroelectric plants. E, also let us sing, that ' ' your future espelha this grandeza' '. Therefore, daqui only the four years, we can guarantee that the train bullet, the giant stadium of soccer, swimming pools and all more will be ready, AFTER ALL, ' ' a son yours does not run away to luta' ' to organize themselves, to plan, to construct everything what ours structuralized country of first world requere. In the end of the accounts, why I am complaining? We have everything what we need..


National Congress

Posted by Sylia on

The first one is lawyer of profession as well as the other, is biochemist.A historical error of the education professionals, is of subestimar its proper registered voter, formadores of opinions as we are, we were for terms the greater group of benches of parliamentarians in such a way in the State legislatures, as in the National Congress, virtue of the weight that we have, next to proper classroom, as next to the parents, pupils and community in the one around the school. But, had our proper inertia or incapacity to understand our fight, we make hard you criticize to the effective model educational, the mediocre wage that we receive, the conditions of our schools, only in the corridors and not in fruns adjusted of quarrel as Unions, Associations and Parliaments where our voice can be heard. As the phenomenon is the skepticism of the population with the politics. In certain way also it is by-product of the first one, therefore when the education, the social and popular movements break up its politics in a bedspread of remnants of specific demands (economic, cultural, etc.) the proper governments finish being representation it project more global politician. Evidently that the podrido of the regimen, the alliances of the base of in such a way federal government with the Squid and state with Wagner that has made alliances with what it has of worse in the politics and the brazen corruption strengthens the skepticism.

Still thus, it is important to understand the contradictory dimension of the skepticism of the people. The media and the ruling class deal with if using of the indifference with the decisions politics on the part of the population making its businesses in the darkness. But, on the other hand, it is not very useful to the revolutionary socialist professionals of education that has a reference in the stability of the regimen or that this is seen as something positive.