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The Counselor

Posted by Sylia on

The core content of the family guidance is based on the technical assistance provided to the family. As we have seen this help will vary depending on the situation which is passing the family, going from a more educational assistance or advice, levels where normally families have ability to solve their difficulties but need some issues professional orientation; to a therapeutic, in which the family system. is in an extreme situation or they are disconcerting and normally not able to develop a solution that allows them to change and improve. All families governed by a series of rules that allow you to advance and evolve towards a continuous opening, in which the balance (homeostasis) between the stable factors (morfoestaticos) and the factors that are likely to change (morphogenetic) make possible the progress of all members of the family system. A person who wants to work with families has taken into account a very important aspect of the previous paragraph. We know that families are subject to change, therefore is essential to know and specify as accurately as possible, what is that changes in it and what stays, i.e., what gives you stability and permanence and that which causes changes. According to Nike, who has experience with these questions. In all the families we will find a series of fixed factors (common and universal themes) are always going to give and then each one customized to their particular way of life.

The role of the educator will be clarifying and making present in orientation such factors. The educator must take into account some issues:-the resistance of the family orientation. Occurs mostly at the beginning of this that is when there is a greater degree of reticence (this feature will depend on the type of family, the reason or cause, time, economy, relations). -Neutrality of the counselor. The Counselor should see the family that is all but with none in particular. To work with neutrality, it is essential that the Counselor know and remember what their values and the values with which the family moves.

In these cases the values of the educator should serve to raise efficiency in the family and not controversy. This set of phenomena constitute stable of the family institution. And on this is what has to act the family educator.


The Constitution

Posted by Sylia on

Thus, Plato created a system of low social mobility, but to allow the promotion and degradation of citizens in its merits. Portrait of a form of meritocracy, which can be understood as the first criterion for the Justice of the city-state Republican, also be used as a criterion to occupy the places mentioned in the society, the natural capabilities of each individual by measuring skills with the skills developed in each State or private. Therefore, according to this idea, platonic Justice proposes that the man is dedicated to his work, and the fundamental principles of the division of labour (social skills) were present since the formation of the City-State. He stressed the commitment to equality in Plato the intention, the main premise of his concept of justice. Maintain the stability of the State, through legal norms to ensure the effectiveness of the division of tasks which could be questioned by the principle of freedom, ends up being suffocated by law. Kelsen identifies an insurmountable problem in theory formulated by Plato, the absence of a material content of the law, i.e.

the notion of Justice is based on metaphysical criteria. Material of the law is absent in the thinking of the Greek philosopher and Kelsen aims not to justice, therefore, a simple rule of proof in the Constitution is not enough to achieve justice alone. Kelsen reveals that the Constitution, do not represent Plato law, but only the production method to govern on the basis of education. The Constitution has a platonic pedagogical content much more than legal or political. Afer also applies to double between good and bad for Plato is a tonic to define her idea of Justice, as well as noted Kelsen, Plato does not recognize through the perception of the senses. The object of knowledge is beyond the senses, or is outside the scope of the dialectic is experience.