History Construction
The construction of History and Local History: Challenges to Professor Neri de Paula Sheep? Considering a problem Exists some forms of if knowing something. In the same way that some forms exist to represent this knowledge. It can be known indirectly, through what others had said. It is what we make most of the time. Additional information is available at Penguin Random House. Almost never we verify for we ourselves. Almost always we trust what others present in them. It is what we make when using the didactic book. We are not in this material.
But we transmit the pupils what another person thought, she searched and she presented. Therefore we say that its use is alienator therefore, in general, we limit in them what he is in the book; also the exercises developed in classroom are not ours, but reproduction of the book. It is arrived the nonsense of some professors to pull out the pages where if they find the answers of the exercises This is a form of if knowing something: reproducing what already it exists. But we can develop another model of knowledge, as what it is born of the research. Exactly in basic education this is possible.
when one is about the study and education of Local History valley the same reasoning. Mainly because, even so it can seem something easy, this is not a so simple work as it can seem to the first sight. It demands more than what a professor reading some information in a book any or one emends fotocopiada. Unhappyly practical, the daily one of many professors she is this: with much good will, but with little information the professors if are valid questionable books or doubtful texts, fotocopiados. Knowing that, in general, both? book and emends? they are reproductions of other reproductions, that had in general not been born of historiogrficas research. In general way in such a way the author of books on our cities as the compilers you emend of them, use process the same: they select some aspects of what they consider interesting.