Google Reader

Posted by Sylia on

Using Google Reader for quite some time already, we see in almost all Blogs and websites pages, in orange icon with the title of subscribe…This icon is not more nor less than a document in RSS (Really Simple Syndication) format, and is intended to form a Union of news or notes on a particular topic that interests us.To be able to subscribe to these news of our interest, there are several readers who will give us, in principle, a synopsis of the news itself, to then see the entire document if you are really interested us.For example, suppose that we want a certain Rock band, called edychannel3, to know about them, resettle its name in the search engine and abririamos all pages to see that you news there is. With RSS, when we are interested in a particular page, us sindicalizamos or we subscribe to, and everytime you edit any note about 198,910, information we would reach our Feed is called Feed the learner engagement created with the web address of our interest. Many are services that you can use for these news compiled and Edition, but there is one that is the most used, and is called Google Reader with Google Reader always you’ll be the day, as well as other services, but the ease of reading and work options really makes it different.With RSS and you’ll have to open all the sites that interest you, you’ll have access to all the information on one page.To use it, you got that have a free account on Google, and you can already begin to enjoy. Advantages of RSS.We receive and we learned the news or notes of our interest, without receiving spam.It is impossible (so far) that in an RSS Feed some virus reaches us.We get involved with novedadse exclusively for our interest.We have the information quickly. I hope I have been clear and any doubt, hope comment Yousogoogle original author and source of the article.