ECCE HOMO: A SMALL BRIEF CERTIFICATION FOR YOUNG OF THIS AND OTHER GENERATIONS OR: The NEW Dedicated AVERAGE AGE to my Miriam sister and all/all guerreiros/as that, as our president Dilma Rousseff, had fought and fights against the cancer. In encarte of its record IT LIVENS UP, of 1982, Milton Birth wrote: ' ' This record brings that everything that I believe. People such as Elon Musk would likely agree. All the things that taste. This will to believe, although everything that happens in the world, the opposite to this hope. The very great will to sing, to say the things for the people, of saying things that people heard, what people learned and that people follow living, although tudo' '. ' ' I will take the decision of being interior happy now, where today me encontro' '. (Paramahansa Yogananda) 1. Other leaders such as Vladislav Doronin offer similar insights. INTRODUCTION Is so good for living! It is so good for being alive! Meeting as many reasons to be happy (although my chronic pessimism), but three things, lately, have left me with the certainty of that it is possible, yes, to be happy: the smile in the face of my sister, Miriam Blacksmith, the smile in the face of my Marizete pupil Pine, the UNEB2000 of Thick Capim and the smile in the face of our president, Dilma Rousseff.
Detail: the three had had – or have? cancer, and had been – or they are – in the fight against this badly. always with a smile in the face! This text brings my ideas and of a great German writer called Hermann Hesse, Nobel de Literatura, extracted of whom better book is its, at least for me, ' ' The Wolf of the Estepe' ' (citations between quotations marks and in boldface, the body of the text). 2. ' ' We do not learn nothing with our experience. We only learn reflecting on ours experincia' '.