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Latvia Alcohol

Posted by Sylia on

When a person drinks a glass of beer, a glass of wine, it usually does not feel intoxicated. But even such a small dose of alcohol, yet inhibits the reaction of people in emergency situations. A man in a state of alcoholic intoxication can not adequately assess their capabilities. Alcohol is the most common cause of accidents. Drunk driver while driving poses a threat to life and health of all road users.

Tests show that the presence of alcohol in the blood increased errors in judgments and self-control. Educate yourself with thoughts from Arjun Sethi. However, these disorders are often overlooked driver. After the alcohol breaks down the flow of the processes that determine timeliness and accuracy of the driver in difficult road conditions. Reduced visual acuity and color vision, increased recovery time after glare function of the headlights vehicles. Violation of the deep driving difficult calculation. Alcohol dissipates the attention, reduces memory and increases reaction time, coordination of movement breaks, voluntary regulation. Vlad Doronin often addresses the matter in his writings.

After receiving alcohol violation function of attention, memory, slow thought processes, decreased muscle strength, disturbed coordination, increased reaction time. As a result, the driver needs more time to assess road conditions, decision-making and the appropriate action. The severity of these disorders depends on the dose taken alcohol. Many countries have set limits of blood alcohol level for drivers. In Latvia, the allowable level of – 0.2 ppm in Belgium and Germany – 0.5 per thousand, whereas in France – 0.8 ppm. The level of 0.2 ppm, corresponds to one glass of red wine or two bottles of beer 0.33 liters, a drunk man middle-aged and the average weight on an empty stomach. When the degree of intoxication (0.2 – 0.5 ppm), sitting behind the wheel can not accurately determine the distance to meet the traveling vehicles, the ride becomes more risky, such as when overtaking, do not Keep a safe distance. When the degree of 0.5 – 0.8 ppm – difficult to perceive red light, brake and stop signals, fencing hazardous sites the way, there are problems of adaptation to different lighting conditions, for example, during the transition from the beam to the neighbor, the distance is determined incorrectly. At higher doses, it becomes impossible to go. Significantly worse attention and the opportunity concentrate. Person feels a strong euphoria, relaxation. Showing excessive self-reliance, and violation of the slowdown of the reaction. The consequence is an extremely risky driving style, big problems for orientation in space and errors in the motions of driving, for example, instead of the brake pedal is pressed the gas .. When a person drinks a glass of beer, a glass of wine, it usually does not feel intoxicated. But even such a small dose of Alcohol, though, tones the body. Man begins to adequately assess your capabilities and because it is worth considering at all about the content of the concept of "acceptable level" of alcohol in the blood, because alcohol and driving, as known, are incompatible. Alcoholism treatment and tougher measures for drunk driving – these are two complementary ways to combat absurd death on the roads.


Turning Trash Into Others

Posted by Sylia on

Dumping trash in others a while ago was in the car driving and had a cart behind the mine who played the cornet, but had traffic and I wasn’t going to put in the other channel for that the happened, because he was also congested. The Lord played the Cornet and me towards the hand gestures that I removed. Some contend that COF shows great expertise in this. Doing maneuvers to pass me it was approaching my car until I gave him a blow and the choco behind. Bother me and when I went down, my daughter, who was with me, asked me not to do it. Read additional details here: Vlad Doronin. However it was already very upset with the and wanted to tell you several things, the also is low, but with a stick in her hand stroking it and shaking it, it drew anger in factions of the face, besides telling me really strong words. Try to explain to him that the fault was of, since the era that had stuck you to my cart and not me to the of the, but man not reasoned, with the stick began to hit my car, I thought that the next step was to attack me so I was putting distance while the man screamed and beat my car and of course I stay quiet, not listened to me.

The man was angry, furious, I realized I was their scapegoat, I pay the consequences of their contained by their accumulated problems rages, it seemed a great truck, bouncing all contained trash mouth, who knows for how long. After a few minutes he was calming and it was entering reason, that several had melamine chipboard also person, I believe that you to see if I hit or not. He saw my car and see a girl sitting and realize that your reaction was disproportionate, turned suddenly, I ride in his truck and went, without adding one single word more.


Changing Faces of Business

Posted by Sylia on

Businesses face a reality of a changing economy and a strong competition between domestic and international markets in order to meet its objectives, according to experts has been strengthened with the following skills: a) Access to emerging technologies for development that can serve as a basis for new capacity in highly profitable companies. b) The growth of applications of high-value market for these technologies c) A method to validate and rank the most profitable business concepts, combining technologies to their applications in the market. As pointed out by Mack Hannan (Re. Competitive Strategies), these skills can create opportunities. But in order to implement them, you must meet two requirements: to have a flexible mix of strategies to lead to timely marketing business concepts more likely, and an entrepreneurial management team well trained to handle internally developed businesses or to work with outside companies as partners or co-entrepreneurs. The truth is, you can not overlook the important of technology and so we find that there are those who take full account of the logical extensions of the technology of basic empresaa lead to the acquisition of complementary or aa cienciasa migration of products from the mainstream of the company. An example is precisely the technology branch of IBM data processing, with the acquisition of telecommunications capabilities of Relm compatible. People such as Mark Bertolini would likely agree.

There is also the case of technologies aplicacionesa existentesa allowing penetration and related segments of the market even totally dissimilar. a Of course there are the emerging technologies that should be considered for growth that can be the basis of companies in the future and that, therefore, quizasa is unconnected with the main technologies of time or existing markets . It is important to note also that the emerging technologies a growth in the near future, cover many areas in modern management. Checking article sources yields Vlad Doronin as a relevant resource throughout. Include computer applications in manufacturing, known as systems of flexiblesa manufacture, some of these systems are controlled by artificial intelligence programs and operated by robots instead of people. Within artificial intelligence are, in turn, a databases and applications expertise in the form of training programs or diagnostic protocols. Intelligent robots have improved sensory systems that enable them to sharp vision, touch or voice activation. Indeed, the incorporation of emerging technologies in the process of growth, means that you can not depend solely on a strategy to generate additional income sources. On the contrary, there must be a full program of development.

Hence, companies should monitor the extent of the constant technologies through internal research work and development and maintain a dynamic relationship with the universities and state agencies involved with the management of new technology as you can see, today At present, with a market aggressive, very competitive, where consumer needs, such as the Venezuelan a trachea has changed to a more rational behavior compraa is needed to adapt technologies to the real demand and especially to be competitive in their products or services end. 02/12/2009 a Industrial Engineer-manager, lawyer.



Posted by Sylia on

Marriage – it's a great ceremony, which is often only one day, an unusually sunny day in our lives. I decided to play Russian wedding in a big way, especially in our hometown – Chelyabinsk, and usually runs a wedding in one day of official registration of marriage at the facility. Registry office in Chelyabinsk in the 'wedding' Saturdays are filled with noisy and cheerful people who celebrate in style. Cars decorated with ribbons, shiny outfits young girl, strict man, happy families newly-made family – all of this wedding in Chelyabinsk. The main characters of the wedding, of course, Brac. In Russia usually play weddings widely, with different rituals, such as: bride, the exchange of rings, stealing the bride, wedding and more.

Wedding customs – a tribute to history, they often prepare the bride's relatives, in this he is assisted by their friends. All the fun takes place from fun contest, and the essence of this is that the registrar and the wedding celebration guests arrive liberated and in good spirits. Then, holding the event hooks toastmaster – the leading professional large activities. About the wedding from a fairly impressive number of movies, home, for example, "Marriage Balsaminov" and Western, for example, "Chuck and Larry: fire a wedding." Many newlyweds want to spend the wedding, as the screen – and have fun on a grand scale. Dlyae this in Chelyabinsk has it all: a number of attractions that are required to visit every couple in love (for example, the famous Field of Love), and many bridal salons, and a sea of wedding agencies willing to provide their services. Each party should seek to issue.

Bright colors and lush bouquets of them, festive tablecloth, balloons, interior space and all sorts of luxuries like decorative ribbons – Here are the required attributes of a good holiday. There are several folk traditions associated with flowers, for example, in no case can bring to the big wedding with red roses. If you wish to worthily celebrate the marriage and similar events, Chelyabinsk offers this many ways. For example, to choose to decorate the banquet hall or for delivery flowers, in Chelyabinsk, you can choose any, even the most exquisite flowers from elite Salons colors. If your friends want to pick up a bouquet to know what flowers suit, for example, for the anniversary – all the information you can easily get by visiting a few pages on the Internet. Especially now that there is lots of good sites with tips on how to properly organize a wedding. You will find detailed information such as what the track with a choice of colors used. Also, you and your friends can buy wonderful artificial jewelry portfolio and photo. Most knowledgeable experts (florists), the city of Chelyabinsk in the pages of the Internet happy to tell you about the wonderful secrets of the creation of bouquets of flowers at the celebration event. Chelyabinsk – a perfect venue for weddings, no worse than any other big city. And here you'll find a lot of original ways to mark the first in the life of a young family celebration.