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South America

Posted by Sylia on

What is the series know, of course, everything. Movie serial in the television program, in which the plot is stretched so as to be able to demonstrate it in the program guide long-term small pieces. Often series called 'soap operas', but do you know why? This name stuck to the first TV series, appeared on television as well as showing them often with ample advertising and soap powder. That's it. Now is a joking nickname not applicable to all TV series, which includes television program. Melodramatic soap operas are called soap operas. Previously, these were mostly TV series production in South America (unless you have at hand map of the world can view it Mexico, Brazil, Argentina – the major exporters of television soaps), but now Russian TV channels and actively adopt the Western experience.

This can easily verify by looking at that TV offers program. The share of Russian series, stated in the program channels, already exceeds the number of foreign companies. Since the release of the first series, they were filmed and shown in the program a huge amount of channels. Variety of genres – the same as for feature films. The program is a television and soap operas, Adventure, and romance, and detective and mystery, fiction and fantasy. Soaps can be in the hundreds. But not all of This impressive number of merit. Quite an impressive percentage of the demonstrated in a TV program does not turn syllable name is not what 'tolerable', but even the 'mediocre'.


Managing Plans

Posted by Sylia on

one more time we go to notice that our cities are not structuralized to take care of to all the population demand one more time that consequently increase gradual attracted by the enterprise. CARATERISTICAS OF the CITIES OF the TRANSAMAZONICA While the Southeast and south of the Country had given alavancada in the urbanization and a construction of housings, the cities of the transamaznica still are in initial phase. Although the accomplishment you discuss of them of the cities in our cities, the implementation of the laws had not been fulfilled. The advice had not had force in giving continuity in the quarrels. In the year of 2010 with the elaboration of the Local Plans of Habitation of Social Interest we perceive how much our cities in fact are delayed in this process. While many cities have access resources of the Federal government for the improvement of the cities, the cities of the Transamaznica are very far from the standards demanded next to the ministry of the cities to start for the law biggest that conducts all the laws of organization of a City, recently are that he was definitive the obligatoriness of the elaboration and execution of the Managing Plans for cities with less than 30 A thousand inhabitants. In the done diagnosis of the habitacionais lacks of four cities of the region: Senator Jose Porfrio, Anapu and New Brazil was detected that: Low administrative capacity: The cities do not possess no department specify to deal with the habitation and urbanization of the cities, do not have technician specific as engineer, architect. The laws of the urban Perimeter are not respected, the IPTU are not applied in efficient way, little collection Cities do not take care of to all the demand to them of the city. A time that is cities where the majority of the population survives of the Stock market family, and some give services.


Critical Writings

Posted by Sylia on

In other words: no hurry because we have much to do, but we do many things because we feel the rush within us. a This may be a theoretical paradox, but will allow us to understand many issues that have to do with the modern workplace and the economy today. In "In Search of Lost Time Marcel Proust tells us as the rush began with the railroad, which plays a relentless schedule, he did not expect, which marked a change in the way of life of that society. Another modern now that claim is "Momo" by Michael Ende, the qeu gray men are out to steal the time to live, thinking, seeing, walking, in humans, when it is a treasure that is necessary defend, but first we must be aware that does not have to absorb as it does the continuing lack of time. Or in his book "Critical Writings," in which James Joyce said earlier this century that our civilization is determined by the rush. The rush is a rhythm that affects our daily lives. It prevents us from choosing activities that require rest, rest, as they are read, reflect, attend meetings, discussions, chat. .

. No time for such activities, but for others that require a fast pace: a walk through a mall full of noise, going to bars, attend mass actividadesa, which must always be entering pushing. Watch in shows that make time pass quickly. A similar effect is to make zaping pace while watching TV, press reports make a stimulus of anxiety, instead of reflection.