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Antiquity Greek

Posted by Sylia on

19 This ' ' coisa' ' it is the history of a girl who had finished to lose its brother, Werner, when to its it took them mother for adoption. In its burial, Liesel if sees instigated to steal a book, the first one of its stolen book collection: The Manual of the Grave-digger: ' ' It had sheltered a black and rectangular thing in the snow. The girl only saw. It bent over, apanhou it she held and it firm between the fingers. The book had letters prateadas' '. 26 a synthesis on the Different Representations of Practical of Reading: Roger Chartier and Guglielmo Cavallo guarantee that ' ' a text exists because a reader exists to give significao&#039 to it; '.

In the study the History of the Reading In the World Occidental person, the authors make a trip for the life of the book and the practical ones of reading. Since the verbal culture in the Antiquity Greek, passing for writing in at the time Hellenistic coil, arriving Rome. Later, the coil is changed by cdex, a book with pages. The practical ones of reading are renewed, because until then, if had limited to the interiors of the Churches, the cells, the refectories, of the claustros, always directed to the Sacred Holy Writs. In centuries XI and XIV, with the renaissance of the cities, the schools appear. It is in them where it starts if to develop the alfabetizao, then, it has the appearance of a new literature. They appear the Libraries, where if it must make extremity silence for the accomplishment of the reading, appears the vulgar book, writing, many times, for the readers and we walk for the Modern Age. When we arrive in port in the Modern Age, practical of the reading if the return for the alfabetizao, religion and process of industrialization. The book is transformed into an instrument of intellectual work.


Custom-Made Cakes

Posted by Sylia on

The market of confectionery products huge selection of beautiful cakes. You can buy a cake for a holiday or to order a cake. Buy a truly exclusive and delicious cake is very difficult. In this situation, you can contact the bakery catering, restaurants, cafes and bakeries. But where is the guarantee that the cake will be custom-made exactly as you wanted? Of course, you can order a cake by choosing from a traditional and familiar to us from childhood recipes: "Karpaty" "Meringue," "Fairy Tale", "Kiev", "Truffle" and others. But if you want to eat a truly unique masterpiece of confectionary and enjoy the extraordinary taste of birthday cake, you will need to be concerned about the choice confectionery establishments, manufactures cakes to order, and pre-order the exclusive cakes with special requirements for internal and external constituents. Exclusive cake at wedding party and guests always delight, and newlyweds.

But this is not its main purpose. Wedding cake should be decorated with original manufacturer. Its weight should be such that all the invited guests was enough. And most importantly – it's his taste. On them you must take care prematurely. Tell a confectioner, what toppings, cream cakes and you want to have a cake and then the wizard will satisfy your desire. Children's cake have to be not only delicious, but also palatable for a child in appearance. Curlicues and rosettes as decoration for a children's fairy cake is losing characters and cartoon characters. Remember that children's cake should not only be delicious, but also useful. Therefore, its composition is not superfluous to add fruits, dried fruits, nuts and honey.