Training For One

Posted by Sylia on

As to measure the effectiveness of the Training For the consultant who if all worries about the course of the training, including preparatory phases, posterior execution and results, to measure the effectiveness of the training he is obvious. The same reasoning fits to the executive who contracts a consultoria of training and development of people in its Organization. It is common in this area, & ldquo; profissionais& rdquo; that the stages are not worried about all that involve a training program. Therefore, so that the effectiveness can be mensurada, it is basic to attempt against it all the phases of the program. Old practical one is the ROI (Return on the Investment), subject debated from the decade of 60. According to Jac Fitz-enz, one of the authors most famous, she is necessary to create a closed system, that is, isolated of any influence and/or 0 variable that is not that one that if is studying.

Another alternative to mensurar the effectiveness is to know accurately what it is wanted to measure. (A valuable related resource: OGS – Man Utd). First the responsible one for the demand is identified, that is, the manager of area that will be trained. The alignment of the work with this manager is basic so that the consultant has full science of what he is desired and demanded by the responsible one. The next step to the consultant is to use its ability of questioning and perception to understand which learnings and focos of processings must be boarded during the training. On the basis of these and other data, are possible to elaborate a program that contemplates the necessities of the group.

Being based on the carried through diagnosis, the effectiveness of the work will be able to be measured. Some studies in the theory are excellent, but many times do not condizem with the reality. Thus, although already to have advances in this area, the determination of the final value of the actions in Training and Development of People can be scarce and inconclusiva, as it affirms the Borges-Andrade theoretician. It is distinguished that the contributions in the area of Training and Development of People cannot be express only in financial terms. Other questions, as the performance of the participants and its posterior results to the programs, also must be evaluated. They are the desired results that they define the measurement forms. Not contrary it.