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Tax Refund In Spain

Posted by Sylia on

Tax disadvantage for foreign property owners in selling their homes was illegal. The Spanish Treasury has for years to highly taxed foreigners on the sale of their real estate, this claims in the millions are threatening the State. Tax refunds are citizens from the EU and Switzerland, which have sold a property in Spain between beginning of 1997 and the end of 2006, according to a decision of the European Court of Justice. The Court ruled that the Spanish Government wrongly had taxed the capital gains of non-Spanish, private seller with 35 percent, as Spaniards, however, had to pay just 15 percent tax on the profits of their sales. The different tax treatment for the foreign property owners is discriminatory according to the instance of the EU, therefore, they are entitled to appropriate repayments (court file number C-562/07). At Amazon drone delivery you will find additional information.

The Valencia-based law firm, Costa, Alvarez, Manglano & Associates, which represents the interests of those affected, has for the first 100 European Get citizens, mostly from the UK, already repayments by the Spanish State. A focal point was established in Germany for the German-speaking world. Around 150 000 former property owners, is believed, could have these recoveries. Details can be found by clicking Dana Gibber or emailing the administrator. Average up to 20 000 euros should be refunded. The countdown is running however. Claims must be made within one year after the verdict. Refund requests can be submitted only by mid-November in Spanish courts. For this reason, the German website for those affected has been switched for all information, questions, and contact information.


Jan Korte

Posted by Sylia on

While it has the detective agency Lentz a main target made (www.lentz-detektei.de/ company profile), at Court as well as to prepare for possible legal disputes in all over Germany and from abroad to impose the interests of their clients. Effectively to implement these goals, work at the detective agency Lentz in the first place with Oberservationen. “Limit through video surveillance ‘ the right to one’s own picture legally the detective area too strong a,” so Marcus Lentz, Managing Director of the detective agency Lentz. Video records are suitable for use as evidence difficult before German courts if they secretly made no proper identification of the offender, E.g. At MetLife you will find additional information. a>. by hats, Hoody or similar leave them on public ground (road staircase) usually held not by appropriate signs, such as department stores, will be announced according to Marcus Lentz replaced thus a covert Detective video surveillance usually no observation of man is the perpetrator red-handed””. Secretly made video surveillance in the private sector or in the private sector could so quickly the proof recycling ban”are subject to and are therefore by no means a panacea.

Also the left Parliamentary Deputy Jan Korte looks more video recordings rather sceptical about the claims and said: “No video camera will assassin of them hold, to carry out attacks”. Jan Korte relies more on an increased use of the police, and therefore calls for the downsizing of the police to stop. This approach truncates the citizens not so much in their rights as an extension of the video recordings. For further information on the investigation methods of the Detektei Lentz, as well as insights into current examples of the Detektei Lentz can be read under /, the Firmenstzruktur of Lentz group is shown under.


The Restaurateur

Posted by Sylia on

The requirements for a tax-free or tax-advantaged acquisitions were currently reformed again and makes it easier. Who inherits a company so from the 01.01.2010 or will be presented, remains already exempt from inheritance or gift tax if the company will be continued only at least 5 years and the wage bill is not lower than the value of 700% of the original wage bill after 7 years. Only 15% Steuerzahlt of the contractor if he continues the operation of at least five years and the wage bill for this period at least 400% of the wage summer reached in the year of acquisition. VAT hospitality in the press much discussion was now valid lowering the sales tax rate for accommodation services from the hotel business in advance. The overnight stay in the hotel, for example, only 7% instead of so far 19% subject to VAT. In the hotel industry, which is particularly affected by the economic crisis would be – dropped in the past year not only the number of holiday nights but above all the number of business travelers who make up a significant share of sales in the hotel.

In practice, this can still some lead to difficulties because any additional services, like meals (breakfast, half board, for example) are still with 19% taxable, while the pure night performance is tax deductible. The restaurateur or hotelier must accordingly on the invoice separately the different services or create multiple invoices. 2 also thanks to work and social crisis is the agreed extension of short-time money. The short money (abbreviated also Kug) will be extended by another year, economically endangered companies can introduce short-time working to bridge the Straits so also in the year 2010. At the request of the workers who partially or completely be exempted from work, receive short money in the amount of 60-67% of their previous Nettolohns. .


Citing Obligations

Posted by Sylia on

Obligations protection does not apply following refusal of performance Munich August 2013: usually results in a breach of the policyholder, the insurer in the event of a claim being free performance, explains Auer Witte Thiel. Rejected the insurance to the performance but also an appeal to the obligations is no longer possible. Auer Witte Thiel informs about a corresponding judgment of the Federal Court. The plaintiff was a policyholder who wanted to win the power transfer for Frost breakage by his homeowners insurance. These were built as a result of heating failure.

The building owner was told the insurance, to have been around the time of the failure on the ground to be, but nothing by a heating failure notice. The insurance accused him, the vacant building not sufficiently heated, nor drained the water pipes. Thus, he violated the contractually agreed obligations, leading to a termination by the insurer. More The case, Auer Witte Thiel provides information under available. Then asked the policyholders his insurance lawyer letter to review the facts of the case and now suddenly stated that his wife had last been in the building. Although the heating as we know it no longer worked on said date, it was still warm at this time. The fraudulent deception attempt is recognized by the insurance, which indicated to clarify still further inquiries for the editing.

Because she mailed on the same day but also the confirmation of the cancellation and refund of the overpaid premiums, she forfeited the right to be able to rely on the breach. So the BHG decided the plaintiff in the lower courts had failed. Auer Witte Thiel: Who fraudulently deceives loses entitlement normally, Auer Witte Thiel, any claim for payment is forfeited with a malicious deception. As she only came after the termination, she don’t have one according to the BGH More importance. Because the protection of contractual obligations applies only as long as is the insurance audit – and negotiate. The freedom of services due to fraudulent ends with the rejection of the performance (German Federal Supreme Court, ruling of 13 March 2013 IV ZR 110/11). But there is a way to, rely on the breach, explains Auer Witte Thiel: namely, by the insurance their clients clearly indicates that she then wants to rejoin in the substantive examination. About the law firm Auer Witte Thiel, the specialization areas of focus and the development of core competencies in certain disciplines are indispensable in the legal services sector.