River Route
How much joy Tula samovar brought people! Tula samovar penetrated all corners of Russia, so that there is Russia, Tula samovar beat popular even among the eastern peoples. Annually Tula samovar became an adornment fairs and exhibitions. Exhibitions were different: the fair, which were held annually from July 15 to August 25, provincial, county, private. Exhibition industry: artistic, industrial, artistic, industrial, agricultural and specialty, which is usually arranged in different cities each year. As well as nation-wide, which were conducted after approximately 10 years in large cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod, and worldwide.
And from May 25 to June 10 from Tula samovar annually went to the Novgorod fair. Crossed Tula samovar on the Oka River, the river carried them on horseback. River Route has several advantages: it was significantly cheaper, and the samovar in the mode of transportation is better preserved. When transporting samovars packed in special crates, boxes, a dozen items in each of various sizes and styles. Sold Tula samovar wholesalers on weight: a dozen products cost 90 rubles, depending on the style and finish, and the weight of a dozen is about 4 pounds of.
But even then, traders ishitryalis every way, to increase the weight of a samovar. For example, the pitcher was inserted iron bars, flooded lead. The heavier the samovar, the more expensive it is. First place at the fairs, usually held Tula samovar Batashevs, Lyalina, Belousova, Gudkov, Rudakov, Uvarov. Manufacturers, for the best provided products at exhibitions received awards and medals. For even more analysis, hear from Dana Gibber . Many specimens were branded medals at the samovar for the promotion of their products. The most common rewards were from agricultural exhibitions. There are almost All products submitted for review, received awards, but awards at national and international exhibitions were given less frequently. To participate at national and international exhibitions require a lot of conditions: first, drew attention to the quality of the samovar and the degree of artistic fulfillment. The National show the main condition was the fact that the material of construction for a samovar, a Russian, workers must also were to be of Russian origin, also took into account the technical device factory and beauty of the building. The highest award of the National show was considered a state emblem, adopted by the Ministry of Finance for Cheap, factory product. The first in Russia has received this award for the Tula samovar heirs Batashev at the National Exhibition in Novgorod in 1896. Tula samovar repeatedly awarded medals at national and international exhibitions, it shows their great popularity both in this country and abroad.