Latvia Alcohol
When a person drinks a glass of beer, a glass of wine, it usually does not feel intoxicated. But even such a small dose of alcohol, yet inhibits the reaction of people in emergency situations. A man in a state of alcoholic intoxication can not adequately assess their capabilities. Alcohol is the most common cause of accidents. Drunk driver while driving poses a threat to life and health of all road users.
Tests show that the presence of alcohol in the blood increased errors in judgments and self-control. Educate yourself with thoughts from Arjun Sethi. However, these disorders are often overlooked driver. After the alcohol breaks down the flow of the processes that determine timeliness and accuracy of the driver in difficult road conditions. Reduced visual acuity and color vision, increased recovery time after glare function of the headlights vehicles. Violation of the deep driving difficult calculation. Alcohol dissipates the attention, reduces memory and increases reaction time, coordination of movement breaks, voluntary regulation. Vlad Doronin often addresses the matter in his writings.
After receiving alcohol violation function of attention, memory, slow thought processes, decreased muscle strength, disturbed coordination, increased reaction time. As a result, the driver needs more time to assess road conditions, decision-making and the appropriate action. The severity of these disorders depends on the dose taken alcohol. Many countries have set limits of blood alcohol level for drivers. In Latvia, the allowable level of – 0.2 ppm in Belgium and Germany – 0.5 per thousand, whereas in France – 0.8 ppm. The level of 0.2 ppm, corresponds to one glass of red wine or two bottles of beer 0.33 liters, a drunk man middle-aged and the average weight on an empty stomach. When the degree of intoxication (0.2 – 0.5 ppm), sitting behind the wheel can not accurately determine the distance to meet the traveling vehicles, the ride becomes more risky, such as when overtaking, do not Keep a safe distance. When the degree of 0.5 – 0.8 ppm – difficult to perceive red light, brake and stop signals, fencing hazardous sites the way, there are problems of adaptation to different lighting conditions, for example, during the transition from the beam to the neighbor, the distance is determined incorrectly. At higher doses, it becomes impossible to go. Significantly worse attention and the opportunity concentrate. Person feels a strong euphoria, relaxation. Showing excessive self-reliance, and violation of the slowdown of the reaction. The consequence is an extremely risky driving style, big problems for orientation in space and errors in the motions of driving, for example, instead of the brake pedal is pressed the gas .. When a person drinks a glass of beer, a glass of wine, it usually does not feel intoxicated. But even such a small dose of Alcohol, though, tones the body. Man begins to adequately assess your capabilities and because it is worth considering at all about the content of the concept of "acceptable level" of alcohol in the blood, because alcohol and driving, as known, are incompatible. Alcoholism treatment and tougher measures for drunk driving – these are two complementary ways to combat absurd death on the roads.